Originally Posted by ash elemental
Spellhold has Tiax in it, and he doesn't have more characterization than "comic relief".

Wacky zany lolrandom comic relief?

To be honest I think trying to go beyond "the originals and BG3 both have seriousness and jokeyness but still ends up feeling different" is an excercise in futility. It just ends up feeling like you're trying too hard to cone up with intellectualist-sounding reasons to lend authority to what in the end is just a difference in opinion.

Personally, I liked the tonality of the originals more than I like BG3. But i also like BG3 a lot more than I liked he tone of the two latest Divinity games, and think it is more like the original BG games than the D:OS games were. So I still think it's an improvement in that regard.

People will enjoy different balances between seriousness and comedy. Maybe BG3 just has a humour that doesn't suit me as much. Maybe they're just laying it on too thick for my taste. Maybe I've just lived long enough that I've grown tired of the same old nonsense wacky humour.

As Barman said. You either die laughing, or live long enough to stop chuckling

Originally Posted by polliwagwhirl
ctrl+F "magic space hamster"
0 results found

That's because they're highly scientific space hamsters, thank you

Originally Posted by IrenicusBG3
I wouldn't call that a funny line, especially considering the context of Spellhold.

That's definitely supposed to be a humorous line.

Last edited by Dexai; 22/10/21 08:04 AM.

Optimistically Apocalyptic