Originally Posted by LordRhaegar
Originally Posted by robertthebard
No, they're not "nuances", they're "control mechanisms" to lock other players out of doing something you don't like. My solution was far simpler: I didn't use LRs until I absolutely had to. In so doing, I missed a lot of potential story beats for the companions, and character development for myself, because I missed dream sequences with the tadpole. Where's your solution for this issue? It doesn't exist. Note that the comps issue can be dealt with in other ways, but the tadpole sequences are dreams.
I don't even understand what you mean. Lock out who out of what? This system isn't locking you out of anything other than spamming rest. I also had the same experience where I missed out on a lot of camp chatter cuz I'd take my first long rest after clearing the whole Druid Grove. Players could be nudged to take rests so they wouldn't miss out on those by implementing increasing penalties if you accrue more and more Rest Points, for example by having a disadvantage on attacks or dialogues, or just increasing flat roll penalties. That again makes roleplaying sense, it's harder to fight or lie convincingly if you're dead tired. Personally, I'm also fine without that.
Originally Posted by LordRhaegar
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
I don't have a problem with it.

I think you have an overinflated sense of self-importance. Every third newly opened thread is about the rest system, so clearly, people aren't happy with it.

#Irony? So every third thread is about rest, and you felt that your take on the topic was so radical that you needed yet another thread? That seems rather egotistical to me, especially given what your idea is, and how it doesn't solve anything. Especially when you don't understand what I mean, but then go on to confirm exactly what I said. So let me explain it more simply: You missed out on dialog in camp, because you didn't take a LR when you needed to in order to unlock that content. You are now locked out of getting it.

The camp should be a hub, since we don't have any other means of getting to this content at present. Before we go trying to lock people out the same way we've both been locked out of content, we should maybe solve that issue first. Since I'm fairly certain, based on the first post quoted here, that you won't understand what I mean, players that are prevented from using the camp until they meet your arbitrary restrictions won't be able to experience the stuff they need to experience to advance things like romances and tadpole arcs. Fix that first. Otherwise, you're not helping the game, you're further breaking it.