Originally Posted by LordRhaegar
Originally Posted by robertthebard
lots of bs
No, you're just complicating things unnecessarily. There are only a few dream sequences, and as I sad, there could be a way to pressure players to take those long rests. And if they still don't, so what if they get locked out of content? Newsflash: it's a non-linear game. In no single run will you experience all the content. All other camp cut-scenes *do not need to be* *camp* cut-scenes.

And my system solves the biggest problem with the resting system - the fact that it can be spammed.

Yeah, there's lots of "bs" here, but I think you're going to be surprised where I find it lies. Looking at page one of this particular forum, just before clicking in to this topic, and there aren't even 3 topics specifically aimed at resting on the first page. So, there's "BS" number one where "every third thread" is concerned, yes? Here's another example of BS: "Well, we just find a way to pressure them into taking those long rests", despite the fact that they may not have enough rest points to actually do that, right? I mean, that's the premise of your thread, to artificially limit LRs, but your solution to this very real issue is to force more LRs. Some more BS: "you're not going to get every sequence". So now, instead of replying to what was actually said, you're making stuff up, aka "strawman", so you can refute it.

These are the holes with your "Final Solution" that are exposed with just a casual examination. I wonder how many backend holes there are? Of course, there's the more obvious problem: I don't think there's a problem with the rest system to begin with, because it doesn't matter to me if Joe Casual is spamming them or not. It has absolutely no bearing on my SP campaign. I've come down firmly on restrictions in MP, where it affects everyone in that server, but in SP, it's simply none of my business.