As an extreme aside to this topic...

I just want to say... there is a part of me that has gotten a real smirk and a lot of minor enjoyment out of picking food for resting. I imagine the nights where we all sit down to dinner, and it's like:

"Okay, folks... here's dinner for tonight!" And everyone is just handed two bottles of wine each. "Drink up!"

Or the nights where each person was given a whole wheel of cheese, and nothing else, and what they do with that cheese is their own business.

These are the 'little silliness' features that I giggle at to myself, and appreciate, in a more serious game setting.

This is not to cast comment on the system itself and the issues with it - I'm not wading into that at the moment... but I did just want to mention that this little thing, small as it is, is making me smirk.

Last edited by Niara; 23/10/21 02:27 AM.