Originally Posted by GM4Him
"Quick! Never long rest because you'll turn into a monster if you do" or "Quick! Stop the druids from their ritual before they kick everyone out" or "Hurry, before the goblins attack and wipe out everyone in the grove." If the players are going to long rest frequently, then there needs to be some sort of complications and such that make up for the fact that they decided to reset all their HP and spells and such.

But isn't that a convention of the genre? I don't know any game I've played where there was something that should be catastrophically urgent that also couldn't wait for sidequests and whatnot. I don't know any game (and I'm certainly open to being wrong) where taking your time to rest or do sidequests results in catastrophe from the main plot.

I actually thought the knowledge we eventually get about how different our situation is from those more typically-afflicted is a really clever way to handle this (though granted this doesn't apply to the druid/tief situation).

But not having forever to deal with an urgent disaster? How do you make a game that enforces that without pissing off a huge, huge proportion of people?

Last edited by colinl8; 23/10/21 03:03 AM. Reason: missing modifier