Originally Posted by GM4Him
I've got the best solution of all. Just throw out the whole rest system period. Yeah. See. Perfect. After every fight, everybody heals to full and recovers spell slots to full because without limits and restrictions, why bother with the annoyance of clicking end day and going to camp. Just auto heal and spell slot recovery every time and do away with long and short rests...

And food
And potions, because why would you need them at all
And spell slots, because you will probably not expend them all during a single battle
And camp dialogues
And mini camps and the main camp
And fatigue or special conditions that require a long rest to remove
And spells that heal special conditions
Etc. Etc. Etc.
And any kind of normal system of fighting a bunch of weaker minions and the a boss because every battle will need to be extreme boss battles to be fun because once you can fireball the crap out of enemies every battle what fun will the game be, so get rid of every enemy that isn't totally insane

Because when you start to cut restrictions, the game starts to completely unravel. You MUST restrict rests. Period. If you don't, everything falls apart.

Why does no one trust the experienced D&Ders. I've played the game for a long time. You can't just let players spam rests.

Because some of us have also played DnD? I stopped at 4e, but played from the original pamphlets to then. My dice are sitting in their little box, collecting dust now. Unsurprisingly, if I didn't read the forums, I wouldn't know there was an issue with the rest system. The problem I have with threads like this is that I already restrict my LRs. I've been doing it since I started playing. Why aren't you doing it? If you're going to tell me that you do, then I'm "Pushing X to doubt". Because the alternative is that you're more worried about controlling what Joe Casual is doing, than what you're doing to prevent "everything falls apart". Surely nobody is self important enough to believe that their opinion on a SP game is what should dictate what everyone else does, right?