- long/short rest are a core mechanic of DnD.
- in DnD, it's based on time. Everything is balanced arround 1 LR/day.
- Without resting restrictions, the spellslot system and the class balance is broken or does not make sense.
- in a video game, players should not be stucked because they cannot rest when they have to.
- in BG3, companions scenes trigger when you long rest.
- in BG3, players shouldn't have to spam long rest to trigger all companion scenes.

These are facts everyone should have in mind when making or answering suggestions about the mechanic.

The resting system in BG3 is a problem but it's not because some players can spam it.

It's because "click the button when you want" is the only thing the game offers... Which is in total contradiction with the rules the game uses.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 23/10/21 12:06 PM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos : https://www.youtube.com/c/maximuuus