Originally Posted by Niara
Are you imagining that 100 points would be an upper cap, or would the points accrue past that, and build up? If they cap, then running into the broken game situation and having to grind your way out of it becomes far more likely, and the system looks weaker and less desirable. If they accrue past it, then it breaks further from any sense of realism, because you will end up with a large excess, potentially, and have multiple back-to-back rests 'banked' in a row, which is a return of the concept you're trying to discourage.


If you're spending the same points to short rest as to long rest, that also leaves you in a position where your hard working day, where you have taken breaks in between your labours, leaves you, paradoxically unable to get a good night's sleep. What's your comment or solution to this?
No, this is not like new economy or currency, it's like an XP bar that gets filled up as you play the game. You don't actually "spend" the points to perform the rest, so there's no need to weigh whether to do a short rest or not. You start your day at 0, when you pass, say, 35, you can use a short rest and you stay on the same number of points whether you perform it or not. The ability to do this short rest goes away as soon as you acquire more points. You get another chance for a short rest at, say 70 points. Or, they could even implement 3 short rests this way, at 25, 50, and 75. You can't accrue more than 100, unless they want to specifically implement penalties for playing after you should go to bed.

It would work really nicely with a D/N cycle, as to even implement a D/N cycle, you have to anchor it to something. D/N cycle makes no sense with free rests.

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
I'm reading with a lot of attention but to be honnest,
I would dislike A LOT to be in such a situation : "I'm stuck so I'm going to fish (or anything else) until I can rest".
Agree, but is it worse than this, where rest, and especially short rest, have no meaning whatsoever? And this is where game difficulty could come into play. For lower difficulties, give lots of points and make even the free Points "grinding" easy. On higher difficulties, make players play smarter.