Originally Posted by LordRhaegar
For one, because it makes absolutely no sense story-wise. More importantly, short/long rest balance.

Story wise is not at all a problem. Just help the player to understand early that they won't turn soon.
Problem solved.

Change the tone of everyone with these "7 days" and "we don't have time" and "it's so urgent" and...
Problem solved.

This problem is not related to the rest mechanic but to the story telling. GM4 has made interresting comments about this but I don't really remember where.

Don't get the short/long rest balance "argument"

But in your case, the game is *not* telling you when you can rest, it's telling you only that it needs to be dark, and you are the one deciding if it's dark or not.

You probably have missunderstood.
The game is telling me when it's dark. But if it's not, I can always "click a button" to wait until it is.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 23/10/21 05:46 PM.

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