Originally Posted by GM4Him
My problem especially with Minthara's is that I felt like my guy should be "Oh yeah, I was so hot, this super wicked tough Drow chick who kills at the drop of a hat suddenly loves me. Dang! I'm good!"

She literally went from ravenous wolf to little puppy overnight. Suddenly, she can't bring herself to kill my character. Man! That was some POWERFUL love making.

First, let me say that I accept you don't like this. I'm not trying to tell you to enjoy something you don't like.

But I am curious, let's say that this is someone's fantasy. That someone really likes the idea of being in a serious relationship with a murderous drow.

She's dangerous, deadly. No one is safe around her. She's a monster to everyone. Everyone except you, that is. In your arms, she softens. She trusts you, and only you. Your bond is powerful, strong enough to break through walls of pain that have been erected over years. Together, you are different people than you are alone, a team against all the rest of the world. It speaks of loyalty and deep connection.

Is there something inherently wrong with a player who feels this way?

I suppose one could laugh about the great golden copulation that led to this... but maybe the player doesn't view sex solely as a physical thing, as if they were such a stallion that they tamed the drow. Perhaps instead they view the sex in a more romantic light, as if a spiritual bond was formed, a connecting of two souls.

That's closer to how I choose to view it.

Last edited by JandK; 24/10/21 04:10 AM.