Originally Posted by JandK
She's dangerous, deadly. No one is safe around her. She's a monster to everyone. Everyone except you, that is. In your arms, she softens. She trusts you, and only you. Your bond is powerful, strong enough to break through walls of pain that have been erected over years. Together, you are different people than you are alone, a team against all the rest of the world. It speaks of loyalty and deep connection.

The question I'd ask would be: What have you done to earn or cause that? What have you done that countless others before you have not? What makes you different? How exactly have you achieved this epicly unbreakable emotional soul bond that completely de-characterises the dangerous drow into your helpless wet-mop adoring love puppy? How did you magic that sudden relationship out of thin air in the space of a few hours?

Is it wrong for a person to want that fantasy? Not inherently, but to want to pull that out of the air in an instant, demolish everything else about the character and bend them suddenly into your fantasy ideal overnight... that's pretty gross. Good thing it's just fantasy.

...maybe the player doesn't view sex solely as a physical thing, as if they were such a stallion that they tamed the drow. Perhaps instead they view the sex in a more romantic light, as if a spiritual bond was formed, a connecting of two souls.

It would be nice, perhaps, if the sequence in question reflected that in some way - unfortunately, it does not, in any way: that, too, is part of the issue.