Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by robertthebard
What story beats are tied to talking to squirrels? Is this, instead of not LRing enough, why I'm not getting all my tadpole dreams in Act 1? I don't recall that being something I have to do to advance the story, can you point me to something somewhere that demonstrates otherwise?
So any criticism aimed at, for example, the conflict in the grove is irrelevant because as far as I know it is skippable? If it is in the game, it's that games content. It either adds or detracts from the experience. If I don't find enjoyment in interacting with characters, in a genre where the main appeal is interacting with characters, then I have a problem with the game. It's an RPG. Of course I will talk to anyone I can, at least on the first playthrough.

Read the topic title again, and come back. IF it had been limited to that, I'd probably have not posted here. However, how they talk has been an issue brought up repeatedly, more than a couple of times, and is completely optional. I love that the logic you try to bring to bear here applies perfectly to what I said, when one doesn't try to ignore the premise of the thread. Let's not pretend that one would miss anything game breaking if they don't talk to the squirrels. Since there are no story beats tied to them, based entirely on my own experience, where I haven't talked to any squirrels, and the lack of any links to story beats they directly influence, then talking to them is optional, which is what I said. So the basic premise of the thread is "remove this optional conversation, because I don't like it, since we can decapitate someone".

I do a lot of things in RPGs that are optional. Trying to clear all of the fog of war on maps, peeking in every corner, looting all the chests I can find and open, etc. None of that is required, but I sure don't want it removed because someone else thinks that the only way the game would work is if all paths led to the next main quest objective. I referenced Alfira's song earlier, which is, I believe, where the "Disney squirrels" are. What main plot lines am I going to miss if I miss triggering that event? None, but I'll miss out on the music video. There's a side quest tied to the Harpies that I missed my first run. I didn't even know the Harpies were there until my second run. There's a lot of "I don't like this, because immersion" floating around, but when it's something like "I cast talk to animals, and the squirrels were silly", what's one supposed to think? Are squirrels really serious in real life or something? I've never actually had a conversation with one, so enlighten me.

Much ado is being made about Boo, leaving me with the idea that some people believe that the only way someone could think "giant miniature space hamster" is if they were in a certain realm, someone actually said that in this thread. So no other realms have space, or content from space? Is planar/dimension hopping not possible in the FR? I guess the whole premise of the prologue is busted then, right? It's not like Minsc could just be a bit touched in the head, despite the fact that he is very much presented as such. So that translates to "crazy people in a game break my immersion"...

Originally Posted by 1varangian
Originally Posted by Dexai
Originally Posted by polliwagwhirl
Originally Posted by IrenicusBG3
If Astarion was the only problem, just refer to the other ongoing topics for many other issues with tone and writing.

A magic space hamster is worse than anything in BG3. Those "issues" about tone are fictional.

It's funny because Minsc and his space hamster is going to be part of BG3.
It depends on how they will write it.

Will it be a brave and goodhearted Rashemi warrior with a sad undertone who was mentally handicapped by a blow to the head causing delusions. Or will it be a heroic warrior with an animal companion who turns out to be an actual extraplanar shapeshifter creature who eats mind flayers for breakfast which is revealed in an epic cinematic.

Mature vs. juvenile. Real vs. cartoon. Timeless masterpiece vs. fast food entertainment that relies on cheap shock value. Larian will be measured.

As will the critiques. There are "review" sites that aren't worth their weight in crap, after all. A review that goes on and on about talking squirrels will be taken at face value. For example, I despise Steam reviews and Meta-Critic. The former is easily manipulated, with 0 consequence, review bombs of the OG Skyrim because of the Creation Club, for example, when you can't even use the Creation Club if you only have the OG release of Skyrim. 0 of 10 and 10 of 10 reviews on games before anyone could have actually played it, along with not requiring one actually own the game in the latter's case. So just because someone is critical doesn't mean they're right. See the fuss raised about Minsc and Boo for an example.

Last edited by robertthebard; 24/10/21 11:06 AM.