Originally Posted by LordRhaegar
Originally Posted by robertthebard
What does that do for the tadpole? Oh, nothing...
It doesn't need to. There are only a few, people will take those rest. And if you wanna play the game without a single long rest, you *shoudn't* experience that content. There, no problem.

Well, this argument is invalid. I'm one that didn't get all the tadpole interactions on my first run, because I didn't take enough LRs to get them. Note: I have, and continue to, openly admit that it's because I didn't do what was required to get them. This is your disconnect; I never claimed everyone should get every possible interaction in every playthrough. That was your strawman, not mine. Then there's the issue that I raised in my very first post in this thread, talking about taking a long rest, fighting the hag, and then taking another long rest. Reading through your responses to points raised after this quoted post, your response to that query doesn't add up. You said, paraphrasing here "it's a boss fight, that's fine". How does that equate to your stated "1 LR per day"? So abusing long rests is ok, so long as it's done how you'd do it? I infer that from your stated position of "it's a boss fight, so it's fine".

Originally Posted by LordRhaegar
Originally Posted by Niara
So, the question I have for the OP is this:

I'm a player who likes to take my time with things, and be thorough. Now, when this new system was explained to me, I took it as an analogue for the adventuring day, so, every time I DO accrue 100 points, I rest, because I feel like that's supposed to be in line with the rhythm of time progression that's being simulated here... so as I explore and fight, I rest relatively often.

Now, we're in a video game, so the actual space I have to play with, and its contents, are limited, even if they make an attempt not to seem so.

The trouble is, I'm now at a situation where I have explored everything I can reach at the moment, and achieved all of the non-combat points that I have available without tackling a boss fight - I have boss fights in three directions, but I need to do at least one of them to progress at this point... Except, I don't have enough points for a rest right now, and my party is partially worn down and light on resources. I cannot beat any of the boss fights in my current condition. I also cannot rest.

What do I do, to prevent my game from being completely broken, and needing to restart it? Your system seems to allow for a broken game situation; how does it avoid that?
I appreciate the question. Someone else pointed something similar above. And it's a valid point, unlike crying about the companions.

This system does put pressure on a player to use their rests strategically, plan what they can fit into a single adventuring day and not paint themselves into a corner. Which I don't think is a bad thing, but there also shouldn't be situations you can't recover from, so I will grant this system would require the game to provide some ways of always gaining Rest Points. Some things that immediately come to mind are earning Combat Points by practicing on dummies, or Story Points by brewing potions, crafting items, fishing, etc., if any of those mechanics will be in the final game.

That also might not be perfect, and you might say, well, that's functionally the same as free rests, but if you make this free Points grinding tedious enough, but not prohibitively so, you make it an option for getting out of those sticky situations but disincentivize its abuse. I would also say, with pretty good story branching in the game, I wouldn't expect players to get stuck in these situations very often as there's almost always something else to do.

People raising legitimate concerns about your system aren't crying any more than you're crying about what Joe Casual may be doing in their SP campaign. Don't try to hit me with "but balance", given the scenario that you've already signed off on as "fine". Unless you're trying to assert that, no matter how fast the fight goes, the Hag fight takes all day to do?

Edit, copy/pasted from page 1:

Originally Posted by LordRhaegar
Originally Posted by robertthebard
So, using your system, I do a long rest, fight Ethel, and then do a long rest. What's fixed, exactly?
I don't see how that is a problem. Ethel is a boss. In my book, taking a whole day to prepare for and fight the boss is perfectly fine. You could also, say, get 50 or 70 Combat Points from Ethel if you think she's not worthy of granting a long rest, but those are nuances.

Last edited by robertthebard; 24/10/21 11:53 AM.