Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
Romances should be like in the Pathfinder games, something you had to build up on throughout the course of the whole game.
No they should not ...
There is nothing more unconvincing than when you see two people, who are obviously into each other ... their bond is going deeper, and deeper ... they are facing life threatening dangers in daily basis, sometimes even often ... and then they decide to sleep separately in their own tents, bcs "they wish to wait for the right time" ...
That really feels good to you? laugh Immersive? Real?

Come on ...
If you search clubs, i bet in at least half of them you can find at least one young pair banging on toalets, while they dont even know each other name.
Because its pleasure and fun! Nothing more, nothing less.

We're talking about romance, not hooking up. The majority of people don't find their significant other through clubs. I would bet that most find them either by first becoming friends, or through friends they know. Show of hands in the thread, how did you meet your current significant loved one (or past loved one if you don't currently have one). For me it was friendship first, not a hookup at a club.