I don't care for any romance options in the game currently, but I like that they are there for the folks who might enjoy them. And I agree with the pacing as well. The characters are stressed out, they feel like death might come any second - it makes sense to not wait weeks or months before having sex for people with mutual attraction. And first sex is actually the first step for a relationship most of the time - it rarely is this coveted reward that comes at the end of a grand adventure as it's usually presented in rpgs. I agree that some characters should wait longer than others, but all of the romanceable npcs (with the exception of Shadowheart, maybe. With the amount of mindfuck she has going on, she might well be a virgin) seem like they've already had their first experience and it wouldn't make sence for them to view sex as this grand first step that they could only take with the people they trust 100%.