On the 6th October we were told the following.
We’re busy planning a Panel From Hell right around the corner that’ll serve as a deep dive into the new content for Patch 6.
Anyhoo, the business of the day: with Patch 6 on the horizon, weighing in at approximately 60GB (so make sure you have plenty of space free!), we want to remind you that any saves made Patch 5 or prior will no longer be compatible when updated.
So, we’re back to branching! (If you want!) There are options for you if you want to continue your Patch 4 or Patch 5 saves, or if you instead want to make sure you’ve got the most up-to-date content. Have a gander below and follow the directions for whichever solution suits you best.
It is now 19 days later and as a Stadia player I cannot use branching to continue with an old Patch nor can I play the latest patch, so I am stuck in limbo (again).
I know as Stadia players we are in a minority but we have paid the same amount as Steam/Gog players so I feel that Larian should treat us with the same respect.