Exactly, even though I understand them wanting to avoid making promises about an exact date for release, I don't see any legitimate reason for keeping us totally in the dark about when to expect the patch or why it is been delayed or what they need to do before being able to release it. I mean they must have internal communications about this anyway so it shouldn't be too hard to make some kind of public communication along the lines of , expect it in the next few days, next week, or we encountered a serious issue causing a lot of additional work meaning we don't foresee to release it in the next two weeks, etc etc etc.
And mind you Larian, this is something else than announcing new content or patch were soon or any of your other vague trademark communications would still be somewhat acceptable as we're all in the same boat. Here we're taking first, about a part of your playerbase for who Larian failed the expectations and promises they set themselves (could have told us in the patch announcement already stadia players would have to wait two more weeks minimally) and second, no commitment or explanation given whatsoever regarding the issue at hand, the reason for not having told us earlier, or the reason for the solution taking so long.
I mean yeah sure, thanks for mentioning us in a post about an update for those playing on PC, I get it you did not completely forgot about stadia, but what did you effectively do then, or when do you plan to do something about it or what is holding you back?
I mean I could be ok with going to a restaurant and getting my food later than the others at my table if the waiter explained to me that the chef did a mistake and is now preparing my dish.
It would definitely not be ok if the waiter came with everyone's food, then after ten minutes nervously comes back to the table saying to the others how great their food is, then mumbling something about your dish being on its way, then going away again to bring back dessert for the others at your table while avoiding to look you in the eyes and when you ask them where the fuck your food is and why the hell it is taking them so long to awkwardly move away while murmuring 'i didn't forget about you, don't worry, soon' and retreat to the kitchen again. Because that's what's fucking happening for stadia players at the moment and it's becoming more problematic by the hour I would say...

Perhaps we could skip patch 6 in its entirety and immediately move to patch 7, perhaps at the same time the others receive patch 8?

Please don't be true and if so at least have the decency to communicate to us as soon as you know.

Because you don't fool me into believing that the people at Larian didn't know in advance that it would take days/weeks extra and not hours to deploy the patch to stadia.

Last edited by SerraSerra; 26/10/21 12:24 PM.