Nothing in this Game is challenging because of the Homebrew. It's still taking A LOT away from the Class System. I know they nerfed Height Advantage and Backstabbing Froggers which is good in its own right to some extent but a lot of stuff still remains as Bonus Action and that doesn't solve the Shove issue either. I'd also just delete Hide ( Invisibility Exists ). No Complaints about the Million Bonuses on Dialogue Rolls you are getting now from Skills, Spells and Stats. You finally found a great use of the Friends Cantrip. I'd still change RESTING to TIME RESTRICTED COOLDOWN ( 1 hour maybe for long rests 30 min for short ) to balance Abuse. Remember RESTING is not the same as Camp Access. This is why i don't believe you should tie Cutscene/Mechanic Progression/Anything to RESTING. It's more like you should get a Forced Rest Cutscene that doesn't restore anything for Mindflayer/Dream Sequences or Give New Worm Powers and a "Special Cutscene" after using them X amount of times in Dialogue Checks. I believe tying rest to anything is bad game design unless you plan to implement an ACTUAL TIME SYSTEM with DAY and NIGHT Mechanics which would mean more Layers and Work for you.

Last edited by JDCrenton; 26/10/21 08:20 PM.