Originally Posted by Caelir
But then, it can also immersion braking if your "good" character doesn't know that Shar is a goddess which wants to wipe out all life on Faerun and has actively tried to do it already not long ago.
Stating facts and not opinions is what I am asking for. Stating general information like that would give players more information but calling it "horrible" or "monstrous" or whatever is the unneeded part.

Originally Posted by Innateagle
That's pretty much the misunderstood trope. Good is evil, evil has a reason to be evil, and all that.

I also don't see how whitewashing evil deities would serve anyone, or make sense. Bhaal is the god of murder, Shar is the goddess of darkness and loss, Bane is the god of tyranny. People who follow them don't believe in nicety, kittens and rainbows. They believe in murder, darkness, and tyranny, only to them those are good things.

Obviously Shadowheart should hype that shit, same for drows and Lolth, it would make no sense if they didn't, but regular people being chill with axe-murderers, ritualistic violence and all that for the sake of -- what? your character doesn't follow Asmodeus because he's nice -- makes just as much sense.
Misunderstood to me is more like "Shar isn't that bad, she was nice to me, so people are wrong who think she is mean" or something like that.
There is no need to whitewash anything, how you described those deities should be how they are described in game, with simple facts.
I think regular people in the FR don't freak out over this stuff so much because they can't do anything about it. Why work yourself up into a state of anxiety or rage if you don't have the power to fix something. There probably has to be somewhat of a balance between good and evil as well or neutral couldn't exist.