Originally Posted by Barverak
So, here's a perspective for you. I've been gaming in the D&D universe for nearly 40 years, yes it is that old. I was eight when my mother bought me the red D&D box set. I remember coloring in the numbers of the light blue dice with the white crayon they provided in the box. And I remember the suggested age for the original game. 9-13. That's right, "adults", a word I use very loosely, are arguing whether or not a game, who's origins were designed for preteens, should have parental buttons in the menu. Adults are arguing whether or not a children's game should be playable for children. Just let that sink in. And the fact that "adults" are bickering about their right to not play a censored game, that was originally designed for children, speaks volumes.

Now, if Larian Studios, a company supposedly made up with "adults", refuses to acknowledge the origins of the game, that is their prerogative. I, personally, won't agree with that decision, and will probably stop playing the game, but that will be my decision.

I do agree with the comment that if they keep this game rated for 18+, the parents among us need to do our jobs to protect our children. It is interesting the number of parents, and grandparents, on Larian's payroll that think it's ok to make an adult game from what was once a children's game. "Things that make you go, Hmmmm!"

For what it's worth, I get where you're coming from. I wanted to mention that because I see some other comments suggesting that what you're saying doesn't make sense. But it does make sense, and your viewpoint is at least as valid as anyone else's.

The game was originally for kids. And it was good for kids. It developed imagination, encouraged friendships, and got a lot of us reading. It helped latchkey kids who were otherwise raised on television.

Childhood was the kingdom where DnD was born. And now, to know that a popular version of the game isn't suitable for those very same kids, well, it feels like maybe it turned its back on its roots. Like it's no longer there to help those same kids, but rather, maybe it's been sullied somewhat, tarnished by adults who couldn't leave the magic behind for the following generations.

Basically, a parent who wants his kids to enjoy the game, but can't. At least not in this incarnation.

I think that's what's being said, roughly. A lament. A barking at the moon.