Just a heads up for the folks mentioning the couple you met at the beginning of the game...

If you played the tabletop campaign you'd realize the one of them(the not half orc) is actually
transsexual. Male to female specifically.

I'm not a fan of shoving stuff like that in my face like some games do, but this isn't even mentioned in the game, only the tabletop campaign. It only mentions a medical treatment of some sort in the crpg. And you gotta go through a bunch of dialog to hear about it.

So yeah.

I'm playing Wrath of the Righteous now, and I played the tabletop campaign. Character creation and development are more in depth, and this is mostly due to D&D 5e being a shadow of it's former self and Pathfinder being basically 3.75. I can't say anything for Pathfinder v2 because I haven't played it, but if they didn't simplify some stuff I'd be surprised. Tabletop games seem to be moving away from complexity and depth in favor of straight combat stats and the like. Sad.