I loved meeting Princess Gut. Love her character design, VA, dialogue. It was my gushing moment in the game. I took so many screenshots of her!!

I also loved when Gale got furious about Nettie trying to poison me. It was so perfect for his character and well acted on the VA’s part.

Also Aradin’s pal with necklace and the teifling kid when he gets all choked up.

Also the Speak to the Dead with Ethel was great.

Also Astarion lying on his back and talking about the stars.

Also Lazael talking about Wyll’s lack of conjugal prowess. I had a equipped a terrible hemet on him and he was standing in the background looking like a doofus while she shredded him. I was dying.

(Ya know…there are some great moments in this game)

Last edited by timebean; 02/11/21 01:06 AM.