I mean, I play a lot of mature games with a lot of mature content in them; I enjoy adult games and I'm no stranger to nudity, sex, violence, non-consent, torture and other heavy adult themes, and in the right contexts I have no objection to them. I even pursue tittles with that kind of content, fairly often. I'm probably right on the extreme opposite end of the spectrum here compared to GM4Him in terms of this kind of stuff...

But when I play and have to deal with language where creatures are being excessively crude for the sake of being excessively crude - more than is even really believable; where they're referencing sexual acts and clearly intended them as insults, or referring to others as various sexual organs, and clearly intending those as insults.... I find that just... off-putting. It's quite possible to convey that these people are rude, crude and uncouth without all of that; it's supposed to be, in universe, a bit gross and unpleasant, yes, but there's a fine distinction between that, and genuinely making it unpleasant for the player. If the player is finding the experience to be unpleasant and off-putting, then it's detracting from the experience and the game, no matter how 'realistic' it might be intended to be. I personally do not care for it. I feel like it misses the mark very poorly.