Great post, I read that linked thread just now as well. Hopefully the vampirism digression didn't derail too much in this one, but for me there's no fruitful way to discuss what one does or doesn't like about a particular character, or even all 5, without revealing at least some thoughts on genre or tone or ideas about characterization in general, or as you noted the party dynamic (say predominantly Evil vs whatever else). That's why I struggle not to bring it up. Cause like if one person comes here looking for a riot say "Big Trouble in Little China" and someone else came here looking for drama like "The English Patient" we'll get a pretty different sensibility going, and a pretty different discussion when it comes to any of these characters.

For example, say Lady Avyna enjoys Astarion as a tragic misunderstood character with some wit, and I see him as a comedic send up - we can both be dead right and dead wrong, and both still be puzzled about what is working and what isn't for the other person in his case hehe. Astarion looks and behaves so much like a caricature of a vampire, that it's hard to avoid having a quick conversation here about what sort of vampirism you prefer, sure to happen anytime he comes up. I mean it is his central defining characteristic after all - get rid of it and what's left? But does one want Astarion serious and romantic with some rye bawdy elements like Lestat in Interview, or do they want him just out and out funny like Nandor? Something else? I think he veers both directions, which is why he's kind of hit or miss.

For my part, I would give a standing ovation, if in patch 7 Larian completely changed his appearance to look like Willem Dafoe in "Shadow of the Vampire." But I'm sure I'd get staked in the heart (even if that's not supposed to work in this setting) for even suggesting such a thing. Why? Because the first impression is the whole deal here. We've already had it and so now he's set in stone, more or less. I mean watch the true Astarion fans cry out in sheer horror if they ever tried to change his hair or ditch his sparkle or his outfit or anything else about him at this point. Because despite our better instincts to dig deeper, surface appearances are often half the impression, if not the whole of it.

Even if I can picture how much more entertaining Astarion might be, and how much funnier I'd find it, if he was standing by the side of that road looking like a B-rate Orlok lol. Like really thinking that we wouldn't notice. Cause that's basically what's going on already, but just dialed up to 11 so there's no mistaking it. They could even modulate his voice, so it sounded less like an affected gaydar lisp, and more like that but + a fake teeth lisp too, and to me that would have been hilarious. A way better fit with the game's overall tone at this point. But I can't push that concept at all, cause it's zero sum now. If I win there, then everyone else who likes the character as-is, has to lose. Even if they'd never do it anyway cause of the banner art. Still you can go the same way with the characterization, and they've done it already with Shadowheart. That's why I wanted big blinking caution lights next to anything I might say here, because in my view if they change a character now, chances are it will upset more people than it pleases. So I think that's a pretty insightful point there about how he is sized up based on the earliest interactions.

I generally park him at camp, since that's the only place we ever see night time anyway in this game, and to me its just silly to be all rolling around with my vampire bud in broad daylight. He seems to approve of all my terrible actions regardless, so I can just assume he's there in spirit I guess, but mainly he's camp décor. Like I just keep picturing how I might perhaps have a different reaction, if he actually showed up at night with a little ambiance there. Or perhaps in a situation where the PC has a clearer motivation for bringing him into the fold. Something to gain from it, other than just the pleasure of his company, or the satisfaction of being all extra forgiving.

I don't know, he just tries the PCs patience a bit much for my tastes, and doesn't feel vamp enough to match his appearance. I wish if they were going to do a vampire or vampire spawn arch, that they'd set it up a bit more initially. If it's not meant to be comedic, then maybe they shouldn't make it so ridiculous at the outset. Then again, it's hard to say, because of all the current companions his current start location and story-in seems the most likely to be a placeholder. Even Gale with his portal makes more sense from a continuity standpoint, and Gale's already stretching it to the limits. I don't know I suppose there is already a giant Astarion thread, so kicking around too much here probably is overwrought, but the OP did seem curious, like why some people react in one way rather than the other.

For those who do enjoy Astarion, how do you feel about his grand entrance?

I suppose to be consistent with my earlier points, I should again suggest that they do nothing to change Astarion, but instead provide us with an alternative Vamp, so Astarion can have a rival too!

Last edited by Black_Elk; 03/11/21 03:14 AM.