You also have another potential good source of knowledge in the game. And that's my point. Your character may know who these goddesses are. Why is it only reserved to two potential experts? Lots of characters in the game might know who they are and could give players at least a brief explanation.

Here's the thing. You get to SH big reveal. She says, "I worship Shar."

Immediately, you have dialogue options. You, the player, are expected to know right then and there who they are with potentially 0 exposure to them.

My wife was one such person. She gets bored of lore books and such. We got to the big SH reveal, and she was like, "Is Shar bad or something? Should we kick her out?". I had to explain to her why Shar was a big deal. It was 100 % lost on her.

Last edited by GM4Him; 03/11/21 11:17 PM.