Originally Posted by Niara
I'm also a published author, and let me tell you that saying 'this character reads suspiciously, because this other character in this other story started out similarly and was super evil' is not something that is ever going to fly in any critical review.

You're twisting my words. I did not say that. I only made a comparison of how something like that could happen and not that, that's what I think it is because it's not. Also it's not true about your presumption of critics. I have read reviews where critics will read a story and say that a particular character may seem suspicious because they did one or two things and even compare it to other sources. There is nothing wrong with their review its just the observation they have of a character.

Originally Posted by Niara
The fact of the matter is that at the moment, Gale has never lied to us at all - and he's one of the few characters that hasn't.

The way you see him, he might as well have a halo over his head. You seem to be placing him on a high pedestal. You're basing your opinion of him as a fact. Every companion has come clean about their backstory, I don't view keeping information as lying unless I ask and it's denied. For example, Shadowheart refuses to tell you about herself or her past, I don't view that as lying. She's being honest enough to say, I don't feel like telling you. Every character is flawed, some more than others. I see Wyll as the biggest liar. As for Astarion, yes, many people can't stand his guts because they have made up their mind that he HAS to be evil because he's a vampire but there is still the possibility of him being good. What makes Gale so infallible in you eyes, that there is no possibility of him being bad?

Last edited by Lady Avyna; 04/11/21 05:58 AM.