I don't see why they should ditch the current system as a whole, they simply need to adjust it (both camera and party control) to work better on controllers (YSK on stadia you can play with controller although not really supported or working at the moment) but they also REALLY NEED to develop a way to control the camera and the party specifically for M/K players without forcing them into a control scheme which seems to be developed primarily for playing with a controller because right now it feels like M/K players are handicapped because of being forced to play within the limitations of a controller based system without any of the advantages (e.g. no wasd movement for M/K , while on controller you can at least move around with the joysticks) which feels like forcing a handicap on players for no good reasons (M/K in theory would give most options for full control of both party and camera movement to the player). TLTR: keep (but also improve !) current system for people using controllers to play BG3, but also develop a M/K control scheme in line with PC gaming tradition (instead of console/controller) which gives full camera (Z-axis !) and party control