So the WotR devs released a big survey about the game.

General sentiment is that the game is in need of a lot of small improvements. Honestly I think this game might be in major need of an enhanced edition, though not because it's bad, but while there's a lot of small things that add up to a great experience, there's a lot of small things that detract from the overall experience too. It seems the most common complaints revolve around chapter 5 feeling rather disjointed (though I think that's also stressed by chapter 4 being as strong as it is, for how different it is from the rest of the game on top of that), but also the mythic levels being unevenly distributed (you spend about 75% of the game between mythic levels 1-5). The devs had already outright said that the latter is a real problem, but something they can only address in an enhanced edition, as it would require a rewriting of the story.


In other game news, Solasta released their first paid DLC yesterday, along with a bunch of free updates.

Primal Calling DLC Content

The following content is only available if you purchased the Primal Calling DLC.

The Barbarian Class, with its 3 subclasses: Path of the Berserker (SRD), Path of the Magebane (Solasta), Path of Stone (Community)
The Druid Class, with its 3 subclasses: Circle of the Land (SRD), Circle of Kindred Spirit (Solasta), Circle of Winds (Community)
The Half-Orc Ancestry
The Wanderer Background, with its brand new background quest located in Copparan

Free Content Update - Major Improvements

The following content is available to everyone for free.

Solasta is now available for Mac!
Level cap increased from level 10 to level 12, unlocking new class features as well as level 6 spells
Scars and Facial Paints customization options in character creation
Tired of playing through the tutorial? You can now skip it!
Rebalanced (harder!) fight at the end of the campaign - prepare for a challenge!
New Campaign Creator Feature, allowing custom dungeons to be bundled together into a campaign with custom monsters, custom NPCs & merchants and custom items!
New Town Exterior & Town Interior Environments for the Dungeon Maker

I've noticed some people got to play around with the campaign creator before release, and it seems robust enough that people had full campaigns ready to go yesterday. I haven't tried them yet though, but general impressions seem to indicate that this is pretty damn amazing, and now truly has the potential to rival NWN in user-created content.

There's also someone in the Solasta discord that was publicly testing a multiplayer mod this morning. And what the mod supposedly does is enable a hidden multiplayer alpha option in the game's menu, which means the devs were already working on implementing official multiplayer into the game. They just haven't announced it yet, and its current state seems rather buggy. From what the people testing have said so far, it only allows you to use it for user generated campaigns so far, there are lobbies shared between all currently supported platforms, and rooms support up to 4 players. Each player also has full control of their character(s) and can act independently outside of combat.

Honestly, if the Solasta devs get multiplayer working, that's going to be huge for the entire DnD community. I cannot think of any other turn-based DnD game with a robust user creation scene that could potentially support multiplayer, and it sounds like BG3 is straying away from that direction (and probably shouldn't even attempt it at this rate). I see people using Solasta as a testing grounds for all kinds of actual tabletop campaigns in the future. I'm personally already making plans to use the campaign creator in order to visualize a party stronghold in a tabletop campaign that I'm a part of, once it gets worked on a bit further.

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 05/11/21 10:19 PM.