Are we really going to talk about what does or does not feels realistic in world where litteraly 10.000 gold coins weights 2 pounds? Where people can "create fire" by snaping their fingers, heal from almost dead state by "resting until morning", or leting their friends "read the magic scroll", jump from high that is 10 times taller than themselves (20 times if you are Halfling) and yet survive without single broken bone, or litteraly get strike on their head with two handed axe and be quite fine, where the result of consuming poison does not depend on power of that poison but on that if you will get good number on saving throw? laugh

I mean i get it, its covenient excuse ...
But please, dont try to pretend its anything else than excuse. -_-

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown