Originally Posted by Lady Avyna
Originally Posted by Innateagle
Originally Posted by Lady Avyna
That's not what I said. I said DM's will make a game easier for players that are new and harder for veterans to keep the game interesting. I didn't say anything about food but was speaking in general terms, even as far as fudging rolls to help new players which I think is nice on their part. Now, that doesn't mean they do it all the time but just to keep the new players used to the game and also to make sure they are entertained. I have seen some on this site in different threads act like DnD "HAS" to be played a certain way and if it's not then it's not DnD. Even WOTC have said that the rules for DnD are a guide to how you can play a game not that it has to be that way.

Then i don't see how this argument relates to the discussion at hand. What you're describing transaltes to difficulty settings, which again have nothing to do with wonky game mechanincs that arbitarily dumb down the game for everyone involved.

How does the option of eating a fruit or a vegetable dumb down a game? You don't have to use that if you don't like or you feel it's to easy for you, but don't take that option away from others. No one can speak for everyone because not everyone plays the same. When players try to change a game to fit their desires by removing options that others may like, they are then changing the game to fit their playstyle and ignoring the other players who may have a different playstyle. That's a form of gatekeeping.

Food as it was dumbs down the game because it's both an incredibly common resource and one that worked as the equivalent of a minor healing potion. It's pretty straight forward.

I'll ignore the rest of your post because i'm frankly not interested in a faux moral discussion, but i will say though that words like gatekeeping would probably still mean something if people stopped abusing them whenever they lack sound arguments.