Originally Posted by Lady Avyna
Originally Posted by 1varangian
It has been explained many times over why the "if you don't like it, don't use it" argument isn't valid.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it has to be that way for everyone else. That's gatekeeping. Like I said many times, what's wrong with making it an option? No one is forcing you to eat food to replenish you health if all your other options have been used. You just don't do it, if that's how you want to play.

Originally Posted by 1varangian
Why do you feel like you need exactly food healing? What's wrong with another Short Rest, or even a free full heal after every combat? If you want more healing, why should it be done in a way that many players find immersion breaking when there are other ways that make sense and would even be more convenient?

I don't see how the option of eating food is breaking someone's immersion, if it a an option. That means you don't have to use it if you don't feel like it. I just don't think it's fair that a vocal minority gets to have a say on how everyone plays a game. That's gatekeeping.
Ok first of all, the first part works both ways. You are the one advocating for a change here because you want it that way. I'm not going to explain again why the "don't use it" logic doesn't work. It seems people who are repeating it just refuse to understand and prefer to use it as a go-to argument to get what they want without providing more solid reasoning.

In the second part, you didn't answer my question but just said the same thing on repeat. I'm trying to be constructive and offer solutions here. Why does it have to be exactly food healing when it could also be more short rests or automatic healing after combat?