Originally Posted by Lady Avyna
I see what you are saying and I understand. [...] I want to stress that this is just an option, I'm not forcing it on anyone. It's just a choice.
I have a problem because it
- breaks my immersion
- puts the onerous on me to choose to play sub-optimally, which is not fun
- if Larian allows everyone (as in, included in the game by default) to eat food for mid-combat healing, then there's a decent chance they'll balance the game assuming players will do that. Which will then definitely affect my playthrough: either I intentionally make combats more difficult by not eating food, or I do eat food and dislike doing so

Here's a compromise: how about a "food restores HP" toggle option in the game settings that comes with a warning "game encounters are not balanced for food items restoring HP mid-combat"? You have your option, but I have my immersion and comfort in the knowledge that the game isn't based around healing via food items.

Originally Posted by Lady Avyna
In case your in the middle of fighting a very hard boss who is besting you every time, you ran out of potions, healing spells have been exhausted and all you have is food. Say you have a fighting chance to beat the enemy, why can you eat food to replenish a little bit of health? I want to stress that this is just an option, I'm not forcing it on anyone. It's just a choice.
These sentences simply repeat what you said before, so my response hasn't changed. Why not have a button that you can click - in case you're out of potions, healing spells, and food - that restores hp? It's just an option.

Again, the better solution is to a) have rested before this fight, or b) to lower the difficulty setting of the game. Not add a backup safety that invalidates class abilities and resource management.

Last edited by mrfuji3; 07/11/21 05:41 PM.