Originally Posted by Wormerine
It’s foolish to hope that now Larian will pivot toward making “a Baldur’s Gate” game. It’s fine. BG1&2 exist still. In a couple of years wide public with catch up with Larian’s shortcomings, just as they finally seem to catch up with Bethesda. And maybe if BG3 is successful we will get somewhere down the line New Vegas equivalent for BG, by someone who understands and wants to make that game.

As it’s own thing, BG3 shows a bit of promise, as long as Larian stops unnecessarily messing thing up. When I heard rumours that Larian will be making BG3, I immediately understood that it will be D:OS2 with DND - and that sounded alright. D:OS2 had good presentation and good engine, but poor systems. While I don’t love DnD, it is a more mature, and more sophisticated ruleset. Alas, so far BG3 is still worse then D:OS2. Larian home brew additions don’t even have the little depth that D:OS1&2 had, while overriding and undermining core DND ruleset. It’s frustrating to say the least.

This. I feel as if Larian has too many irons in the fire. Get the basics right (5e), then work on improving and adapting for a videogame. I find it really weird that they keep feeding us more areas, but a lot of the basics are unclear (reactions, classes, character customisation, etc.). I don't want to have the story spoiled, I want to know if I will enjoy the game's mechanics.

Also, the chain is horrible and should be scrapped ASAP. It's by far the worst part of BG3.