Originally Posted by PrivateRaccoon
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by PrivateRaccoon
Does that tell us that things don't work on a digital platform if Sven personally don't find it fun? Or does it tell us that some things don't translate well mechanically since in table top it can be imagined, in video game it has to be visually presented?
Question here is: Does it matter?

I mean Swen obivously leads this project ... if it would be movie, Swen would be director ... his job is to mediate(?) his vision for us ... and purpose of EA is to find out how much that vision is close to our expectations, possibly even bend it a little somewhere, so our goals get closer together ...

But he still sells his vision, his product, there is his name on it. :-/
And in the end he (probably not litteraly, i presume he have people for that) will decide wich of our suggestion goes good with his vision, and wich are completely off.

Yes it matter. Very much. It matters because we have laws against false advertising. It matters because we have 3 year long university programs with focus on media management. It matters because Larian isn't some indie studio with three people that never has spoken with a journalist before. They are an international multimillion company fully aware that everything they do, everything they say in regard to an ongoing project, is marketing. Not just what a single spokesperson say but everything. They are fully aware that using the BG trademark and keeping mentioning DnD 5e would attract fans of the franchise. Just as you use those quotes from Sven to justify homebrewing you like, I can use the rest of their marketing to justify why I don't feel it right.

This thread was about GM4him requesting for them to consider sticking closer to some things he liked with the previous BG games. He didn't ask for a
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
litteral transcript of tabletop rules
. Instead this thread turned into whether or not Larian has used deceitful tactics in their marketing. I claim they have, you claim they haven't. That's where we stand on that subject. Now, maybe time to get focus back on OP's suggestions?

Let me but in here, you are seriously misinterpreting what Larian has said or what they have marketed. They have not falsely advertised anything, so there are no legal implications. They used the term "BASED ON", that term does not mean a literal translation. "Based on" means that they are using what they know from DnD 5e as a foundation for their game. When you mentioned the word "incorporating", they were talking about the 5e rules of combat not the whole game itself. They use the BG trademark because the story revolves around Baldur's Gate. They mention DnD 5e because they have incorporated 5e rules, maybe not every single one that you would like but they have implemented some.