Originally Posted by JandK
Something that bothers me, and I think this is on topic, is when people pressure Larian to change things that are fun.

For instance, the barrels. I've seen a lot of comments about how the barrels are overpowered and should be removed from the game and so on. I completely disagree with that.

Personally, I never use barrels. I don't need to use them to get through the encounters. But I like having them there in case I ever just want to have fun and start blowing them up. Sometimes that's fun, and it's nice to have them around as an option.


It's like the new weapon features, things like Pommel Strike and Lacerate. I like that stuff. It makes the weapon choice a little more interesting and brings more options into the moment. Someone might argue that it weakens the two weapon fighter because someone with a great sword can now have a bonus attack, but it doesn't really bother me that much. I mean, it's limited to once per short rest, I think, whereas the two weapon fighter keeps going with the bonus attack.

At any rate, regardless, it's just fun. It's extra options. Now I consider these things when I decide which weapon I want to wield.


That said, I do think it was an improvement to change the height from advantage to a plus two.
