Originally Posted by Niara
You are right, and I should have kept an eye on myself better - constructive conversation is what matters.

Though... I'm not sure what the odds are, at this point, of them taking a step back, giving the whole engine an overhaul to actually work in a way that's deigned for 5e, and going from there. It seems a slim hope given how far throug the process we are now.

But... wee do know that a major update to magic, spellcasting and its associated systems is something that is happening, so, maybe the best thing to do is remain vocal about wanting a game system that feels like it was legitimately made to play 5e or something 5e-like, and hope that the architectural changes continue.

Edit: Added quote for convenience due to new page.

I feel that the odds are good for certain things like making shove/hide an action, most likely at best chance of happening along-side with reactions system implementation. I'd like to think that they're only bonus actions temporarily until missing systems are in place. At least that's my belief/hope that keeps me sane.

Stuff like Wizard being able to learn anything from scrolls is an easy fix too. That's just a matter of convincing the designers. Simple changes like those are very hopeful from a "easily doable from a technical PoV". I say that with confidence because I've worked with older versions of the engine for many years, and spend most of my time tinkering in the game files, than playing the game. I just cba doing anything with it until we actually have modding tools and compilers available. I stick with Dos2 until then.

However I used to view day/night cycle as a full hard impossibility due to the lighting system being similar to Dos2. I've made a day/night/weather system in Dos2, and I'm happy with the results for how I implement them, but it's limited to outdoor areas and certain circumstances due to limitations. However after lighting changes in patch 6, I'm more hopeful from a technical PoV, but still not convinced due to expense > pay (not economic, but manpower and time investment). Lots would really want it for atmosphere and a sense of immersion, time passing etc, so the convincing to be done there IMO is more at why it matters for the experience and adventure at this point.

Edit 2: I don't disagree with you, Mrfuji. There are many times where I daydream of being Larian's PR person; I have many ideas on how I'd do it both from a social media perspective, and community interaction. There are many things I'd have done / said differently.

Last edited by The Composer; 10/11/21 02:14 AM.