I do apologize if I misunderstand you but these two statements do seem to contradict each other:

Originally Posted by Lady Avyna
I think one of the things that need to be said is that Larian wants this game to also be accessible to people that have never played Dungeons and Dragons table top (which is why they may be using a lot of DOS mechanics).
Originally Posted by Lady Avyna
I think Larian implementing DOS mechanics is to attract the DOS players.

In the first post you seem to think that DoS mechanics might be helpful for players that haven't played table top dnd. But when <Redacted> pointed out that DoS, atleast according to him, is an even more complex system than DnD, you think Larian use DoS mechanics to attract people used to that system, not to attract people that never played TT.

So...you don't agree with <Redacted> as to DoS being more complex, or you think the general audience is more used to DoS than DnD?

Last edited by Raze; 14/03/22 11:21 AM. Reason: deleted forum account