Originally Posted by Wormerine
Well no - jump from written to visual medium is far bigger change, then from a game to a game. I suppose a more apt comparison would be a stage play to a film.
Its not about size of change ...
Its about that as long as there are any changes, or any cuts ... *some* people (usualy called Hardcore fans) will be mad about it. laugh

Originally Posted by timebean
My pals will NEVER read Dune. They do not understand my frustration with how the new film butchered the source material.
I can feel your pain ...
This is how i felt, when i watched Warcraft movie ...

Its even worse since it was also made by Blizzard, yet Blizzard didnt manage to keep Blizzard Lore intact. laugh

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown