Joined: Aug 2014
I just watched a video discussing realism-formalism in films, and I have learned a fancy new word that nicely discribes my issue with BG3 - verisimilitude, or rather lack of it. Verisimilitude meaning: the appearance of being true or real. The fiction being able to present it's story in a convincing way. There is cultural versimilitude - how plausable the fiction is in the context of real world generic verisimilitude - how plausable the fiction is within it's own conventions. BG3 just falls flat on both accounts. Being fantasy adventure the generic v. is of course more important, but even so stuff like riddiculus jumps and push do take away from authenticy of the action, without giving in-universe explanation for it. Pretty much all major complaints I can think of (distance between grove and goblin camp, pocket universe camp, teleporting, cheap ressurects, stealing barrels, clearly inteligent and sentient animals, healing through throwing potions etc. etc.) it all chips at the story's verisimilitude. That's I think why from recent Larian games I was fond the most of D:OS1 - it's story and tone complimented design, gameplay and encouraged interaction, resulting in a coherent experience. It has verisimilitude, even though it has little to no realism. While there are silliness that can be pointed towards in BG1&2, I rarely found it brake its verismilitude, as well - it is a colourful and silly word but that never clashed with a story it was telling. It's not on how realistic or deep the story was - it was, by all means, a story for teens. But it told its story well. BG3 is just difficult to buy into - I can't care for characters nor situations so the whole thing ends up unengaging and boring. Yep, this is precisely it. You can't have characters being power shoved in rivers of lava on a regular basis and bounce back with a pocket change res as if nothing ever happened, and tell a serious story at the same time. I would be surprised if there isn't internal discussion about this at Larian. But it seems like every department can do whatever they want so gameplay design and storytelling feel like different games. I think Bioware gets this. Dragon Age games are pretty grindy and button-mashy as of late, but they're still cohesive and logical where it counts. And that's why the Inquisition story has impact and emotion. With BG3, even though it's an impressive game in a lot of ways, I don't feel anything.
Joined: Nov 2020
With BG3, even though it's an impressive game in a lot of ways, I don't feel anything. I think you just nailed how I feel about BG3. The anticipation was sky high when I realised the long awaited sequel to two of my favourite games of all time was impending. After spending many hours in BG3, having been initially seduced by the graphics mostly, I realised I felt empty playing it (I disliked the companions, game mechanics and didn't feel immersed in the world at all); nothing was compelling me to play more other than being stuck in the middle of a pandemic lockdown and wanting to kill time. I haven't played in over a year.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2021
While there is silliness that can be pointed towards in BG1&2, I rarely found it broke its verisimilitude, as well - it is a colourful and silly world but that never clashed with a story it was telling. Thank you. The way some people describe both games, you'd think Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate 2 were extended episodes of The Three Stooges.
Joined: Oct 2020
I mean you really cannot get immersed in a static world with no sense of distance, activity or time. I took a short rest in the druid camp and couldn't help but notice how literally nothing changed. The light in the sky never moved, the NPC's never changed to the point they were still in the same line of dialogue, I simply gained hitpoints, soooo meh.
The game is simply stuff plonked on a static map waiting for you to interact with it. Nothing moves around the map, no random animals, NPC encounters, weather or time. The goblins are supposed to be searching for a camp but never do anything. You can sleep a month of days and the goblins in camp are still celebrating the same day. No sense of urgency, danger or consequence for anything other than static interactions.
The underdark feels a bit better as you don't get a sense of time underground. However the NPC's still just hang about even though they are supposed to be "doing stuff".
There is a game made by Larian that has this exact inorganic feel about it, I just can't think of the name.
Joined: Apr 2020
Verisimilitude is indeed a major problem (which intertwines with tone and immersion).
It is the same when you compare Burton's Batman to Nolan's trilogy (or Reeves'). Same universe, same characters, different tone.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2021
compare Burton's Batman to Nolan's trilogy. Same universe, same characters, different tone. I prefer the former because his film felt like a comic book come to life instead of a comic book being made "realistic".
Joined: Aug 2014
I mean you really cannot get immersed in a static world with no sense of distance, activity or time. I took a short rest in the druid camp and couldn't help but notice how literally nothing changed. The light in the sky never moved, the NPC's never changed to the point they were still in the same line of dialogue, I simply gained hitpoints, soooo meh.
The game is simply stuff plonked on a static map waiting for you to interact with it. Nothing moves around the map, no random animals, NPC encounters, weather or time. The goblins are supposed to be searching for a camp but never do anything. You can sleep a month of days and the goblins in camp are still celebrating the same day. No sense of urgency, danger or consequence for anything other than static interactions.
The underdark feels a bit better as you don't get a sense of time underground. However the NPC's still just hang about even though they are supposed to be "doing stuff".
There is a game made by Larian that has this exact inorganic feel about it, I just can't think of the name. It kills me that Larian are so brilliant in many ways and then seem to completely not get it concerning immersion. Just thinking how much day/night, weather and random Goblin patrols in the wilderness would make the world come alive. How much wandering monsters would help make the Underdark feel like a dangerous place. Long Rest camp sites being weird unreachable non-locations further disconnect you from the world. Why aren't we using the existing campfires scattered here and there in logical locations for resting? How about a simple break where the party would sit down and chat during a Short Rest instead of just being a heal button? Larian are somehow completely unable to capture the feeling of being on a D&D adventure. And it's baffling, really.
Joined: Oct 2020
I mean you really cannot get immersed in a static world with no sense of distance, activity or time. I took a short rest in the druid camp and couldn't help but notice how literally nothing changed. The light in the sky never moved, the NPC's never changed to the point they were still in the same line of dialogue, I simply gained hitpoints, soooo meh.
The game is simply stuff plonked on a static map waiting for you to interact with it. Nothing moves around the map, no random animals, NPC encounters, weather or time. The goblins are supposed to be searching for a camp but never do anything. You can sleep a month of days and the goblins in camp are still celebrating the same day. No sense of urgency, danger or consequence for anything other than static interactions.
The underdark feels a bit better as you don't get a sense of time underground. However the NPC's still just hang about even though they are supposed to be "doing stuff".
There is a game made by Larian that has this exact inorganic feel about it, I just can't think of the name. It kills me that Larian are so brilliant in many ways and then seem to completely not get it concerning immersion. Just thinking how much day/night, weather and random Goblin patrols in the wilderness would make the world come alive. How much wandering monsters would help make the Underdark feel like a dangerous place. Long Rest camp sites being weird unreachable non-locations further disconnect you from the world. Why aren't we using the existing campfires scattered here and there in logical locations for resting? How about a simple break where the party would sit down and chat during a Short Rest instead of just being a heal button? Larian are somehow completely unable to capture the feeling of being on a D&D adventure. And it's baffling, really. You know I am playing pathfainder kingmaker at the minute and the camping system in this game is done beeter than I actually thought possible in a game. Click camp to get a camp layout, click it somewhere it fits and rest in location with all the dangers, food etc. that intails. Simple but absolutely amazing at the same time. <<<< do that Larian. Day/night is basically a single light source that moves across the sky periodically. Too much work apparently. Random enounters = dice roll followed by spawn stuff....Oh well.
Joined: Oct 2020
I mean you really cannot get immersed in a static world with no sense of distance, activity or time. I took a short rest in the druid camp and couldn't help but notice how literally nothing changed. The light in the sky never moved, the NPC's never changed to the point they were still in the same line of dialogue, I simply gained hitpoints, soooo meh.
The game is simply stuff plonked on a static map waiting for you to interact with it. Nothing moves around the map, no random animals, NPC encounters, weather or time. The goblins are supposed to be searching for a camp but never do anything. You can sleep a month of days and the goblins in camp are still celebrating the same day. No sense of urgency, danger or consequence for anything other than static interactions.
The underdark feels a bit better as you don't get a sense of time underground. However the NPC's still just hang about even though they are supposed to be "doing stuff".
There is a game made by Larian that has this exact inorganic feel about it, I just can't think of the name. It kills me that Larian are so brilliant in many ways and then seem to completely not get it concerning immersion. Just thinking how much day/night, weather and random Goblin patrols in the wilderness would make the world come alive. How much wandering monsters would help make the Underdark feel like a dangerous place. Long Rest camp sites being weird unreachable non-locations further disconnect you from the world. Why aren't we using the existing campfires scattered here and there in logical locations for resting? How about a simple break where the party would sit down and chat during a Short Rest instead of just being a heal button? Larian are somehow completely unable to capture the feeling of being on a D&D adventure. And it's baffling, really. Precisely my point on this games since day 1 of early access. Whats more worrying though, NOTHING regarding this has been changed. So it looks like thats what were getting. People now prefer pretty faces and cinematics. THATS the <<new>> immersion that sells at PG13. Without these pretty faces and cinematic dialogues (which in their own right MANY feels stiff and funny as hell...just check youtube...lol) what is left is a LSPGW : lifeless static pretty game world. This works to their advantage in a silly fun game like DOS1/2 but not for a serious D^D baldurs gate adventure. In the immersion/feel department BG2, a game made 21 years ago, is LEAPS ahead of BG3. And mind you Larian, immersion isn't just adding pretty butterflies everywhere on the last week of EA!
Last edited by mr_planescapist; 14/11/21 10:43 PM.
Joined: Mar 2018
Watched this thread for days and tried to hold off getting annoyed, this isn't the Witcher or Call of Duty it is a turn based game by an indie team who have done a fantastic job and created their own fan base of which I am one, yes the sky may not move or everything sparkles, if you want sparkles go and watch twilight, for me it's the the thought process you have to have before each battle and the shear complexity of survival, which is far beyond any of those games you have in your minds. They make games for thinkers not fans of splat-a-tat-tat crap, they make a game that I can be at home working and leave alone whilst I make sure a patient is OK or go make dinner, but still come back and feel challenged too which is an amazing bonus in 2021. How about do something more constructive as you obviously do like the game and report faults by screenshots and help them create the game you want instead of just chat it.
We have a saying amongst PC users, Look after your PC ,and That's what I've done and I've maintained it for 20 years, this old PC has had 17 new Cards and 14 new Boards in it's time and it's still the same PC
Joined: Oct 2020
Watched this thread for days and tried to hold off getting annoyed, this isn't the Witcher or Call of Duty it is a turn based game by an indie team who have done a fantastic job and created their own fan base of which I am one, yes the sky may not move or everything sparkles, if you want sparkles go and watch twilight, for me it's the the thought process you have to have before each battle and the shear complexity of survival, which is far beyond any of those games you have in your minds. They make games for thinkers not fans of splat-a-tat-tat crap, they make a game that I can be at home working and leave alone whilst I make sure a patient is OK or go make dinner, but still come back and feel challenged too which is an amazing bonus in 2021. How about do something more constructive as you obviously do like the game and report faults by screenshots and help them create the game you want instead of just chat it. Uuh. << ....for me its the thought process you have to have before each battle and the shear complexity of survival...>> AND this cannot be done in an interesting , immersive, non static breathing RPG game world. .??? I guess Ill go back playing Call of duty. Whatever the relation. ROFL. Oh and this forums is designed to express our opinions and views on this game. Positive OR Negative. This post deals with current RPG Immersion in the BG3 game world, hence is completely on topic. You of course is not, by just asking us to shut up. You seem to incorrectly believe these forums is just designed just for fans and positive social support? There is a place for that : Twitter.
Last edited by mr_planescapist; 14/11/21 11:02 PM.
Joined: Nov 2020
Watched this thread for days and tried to hold off getting annoyed, this isn't the Witcher or Call of Duty it is a turn based game by an indie team who have done a fantastic job and created their own fan base of which I am one, yes the sky may not move or everything sparkles, if you want sparkles go and watch twilight, for me it's the the thought process you have to have before each battle and the shear complexity of survival, which is far beyond any of those games you have in your minds. They make games for thinkers not fans of splat-a-tat-tat crap, they make a game that I can be at home working and leave alone whilst I make sure a patient is OK or go make dinner, but still come back and feel challenged too which is an amazing bonus in 2021. How about do something more constructive as you obviously do like the game and report faults by screenshots and help them create the game you want instead of just chat it. Strange post. Thanks for pointing out that this isn't The Witcher or Call of Duty, I was almost confused for a minute there. Any game that has a save function you can come back to at any time at your convenience, this really isn't a unique tenet. Go and watch Twilight? BG3 certainly took a leaf from that series with both a Vampire and Werewolf(according to datamining) companions. It's kind of hard to report feedback via screenshots for several of the issues much maligned in this game, for example: no day/night cycle, no weather, too much homebrew, the lack of coherency in the storyline, the theme park map, etc etc. That's why we discuss things in the forum. I'm not sure a photo of the permanent midday sunlit lands of BG3 would convey that I'd like to see some nighttime too.
Last edited by Etruscan; 14/11/21 11:04 PM.
Joined: May 2021
What on earth does rat at tat tat have to do with anything? Goodness. I am not a “thinker” I guess (I enjoyed TW3, so I assume that negates my right to this title)…but I too have been reading this thread and am astounded that this is what you took from what has been discussed here.
In any event, I am glad you like the game. I like it too. I do, however, think it could be improved. This thread has hit on many things that make the writing seem a bit…unfocused to me. But again…I like TW3..so…that means that as I write this I am drooling, watching Jersey Shore, and itching to shoot baddies in an epic Destiny speed run (or something). Lol
Joined: Mar 2018
A) My point wasn't a save function as you cannot bother with save when you have to go and get some guy off a cliff edge who has just had a cardiac arrest, it's the annoyance of many games when you are off the buttons you just die and have to restart from the point you saved at, with turn based you don't.
B) It's still 1. and in Alpha this game due to Covid slowing down the process.
C) There has never been a day and night cycle in a Larian game.
D) Did you ever do honour mode solo as a rogue in divinity OS2? If not you aren't a real gamer as that's easy.
We have a saying amongst PC users, Look after your PC ,and That's what I've done and I've maintained it for 20 years, this old PC has had 17 new Cards and 14 new Boards in it's time and it's still the same PC
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2021
yes the sky may not move or everything sparkles, if you want sparkles go and watch twilight I think this one whizzed in from out of left field  .
Joined: Mar 2018
*edit deleted comment as it was out of character for me. Please excuse me as I am ex Military and Remembrance day hit me hard yesterday after a recent passing of a friend I served with. I shall not come on the forum in that type of mood in future and thank you in advance for your understanding.
Last edited by Seleniumcodec; 15/11/21 05:31 AM.
We have a saying amongst PC users, Look after your PC ,and That's what I've done and I've maintained it for 20 years, this old PC has had 17 new Cards and 14 new Boards in it's time and it's still the same PC
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
A) My point wasn't a save function as you cannot bother with save when you have to go and get some guy off a cliff edge who has just had a cardiac arrest, it's the annoyance of many games when you are off the buttons you just die and have to restart from the point you saved at, with turn based you don't.
B) It's still 1. and in Alpha this game due to Covid slowing down the process.
C) There has never been a day and night cycle in a Larian game.
D) Did you ever do honour mode solo as a rogue in divinity OS2? If not you aren't a real gamer as that's easy. From what I remember, their only game with a daily cycle was divine divinity which came out in 2002. As far as I can remember, all it did was limit the character's view range.
Joined: Sep 2017
Oh god no Ragitsu. It's just a game built from the Divinity engine and it's going to do what Masterminds? They're an Indie outfit..... Pompous dicks I'm outa here. Take care Larian team and excuse my anger. No need for that kind of tone. If you need to apologise for anger, or even just feel angry, that's a good cue to take a moment before hitting the 'Post Reply' button.
Joined: Mar 2020
People now prefer pretty faces and cinematics. THATS the <<new>> immersion that sells at PG13. Without these pretty faces and cinematic dialogues (which in their own right MANY feels stiff and funny as hell...just check youtube...lol) what is left is a LSPGW : lifeless static pretty game world. I assume by PG13 you mean age of the intended audience, not games rating. I don’t think it’s age related anyway. Pretty games sell well - that’s just how it is. I don’t think that systems like day&night are required for “immersive” experience. Players don’t buy into BG3 fiction, because Larian isn’t interested in crafting believable settings and situations. Game doesn’t have a tangible feel of time passing? Fine, don’t put in story beats revolving around ticking clock. You have one map? Great, design one continues are which could conceivably exist. I can see the same “structure” work really well in hands of someone who cared about this stuff a bit more. They are not storytellers.
Joined: Oct 2020
Every CRPG ever based on D&D in the history of gaming including loosely based games like Drakkhen made in 1990-1 had day and night cycles, random encounters and everything else required to make the world feel lived in. The only exception being BG 3. Swen basically said "we cant be arsed it adds nothing to the game for the work required" NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!. Right before bragging about the 50,000 voiced coversations and pile of nonsense DOS origin crap.
If Larian put 50 interesting dungeons to explore with books, lore, monsters and loot we would be less inclined to care about the personal and extremely convoluted backstories created by someone else. People play D&D to create a role not to play one written by a blue haired social studies intern. JJ Abrhams isn't someone successful though talent. I would be happy with a BG 2 rehash at this point.
In its current iteration BG 3 will not be remembered in 20 years as a D&D classic, it will be forgotten....realms bum bum tash. The relationship drivel is cringey af imo and takes away from the atmosphere as it is so inorganic and ridiculous it leave you scratching your head. The characters are well voice acted but in all honestly I don't want a hear another whiney victim narrative. How about greed or power as a motive instead of McGuffin driven narratives? Mystery boxes and super tadpoles....I just don't care. The reason I don't care is the whole of act one is jumping though hoops to jump though hoops to eventually look forward to jump though hoops in act 2.
1) we need to find a healer, super important, super important we find a healer, find a healer, did I say we need to find a healer? 2) We find a healer but I cannot help please "jump though hoops for me" 3) We find another healer, goblin this time "What tadpole you are a mindflayer" Ugh!! 4) Find another healer in the swamp "cannot help you because super McGuffin tadpole blar blar netherese blar blar eyeball" 5) Find super healer!!! Sorry I cannot help you but if you jump though some more hoops I am sure the McGuffinpole blar blar blar. 6) Magic gith Mcguffin box protects group from AbSoLuTe....okay that's nice, now it makes sense? 7) Devil comes, I can cure you just like that!!! Ok cure me then, narrr i am not the mcguffin but blar blar blar.....Gretta Thumburg blar blar blar
Basically the story is driven by a "thing" that is the reason for everything that requires explanation. Vampire in sunlight? Tadpole, Drow in sunlight? tadpole. Why are we different than other "tRuE sOuLs"? Enter mcguffin box. Really bad writing, not an opinion.
Sooo in summary, no atmosphere, static dead world, no immersion, really bad story, even worse writing, weird homebrew mechanics, bad character pathing....50 more
It does have fun gameplay, good graphics and great vocie acting though. The only reason for the good part isn't ironically the parts that resemble D&D right? Like the spells, weapons and lore? Narrr that would be insane.