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Originally Posted by Soul-Scar
Sooo in summary, no atmosphere, static dead world, no immersion, really bad story, even worse writing, weird homebrew mechanics, bad character pathing....50 more

So your feedback is to start over and change the whole story?

I don't think that's actionable.

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Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by Soul-Scar
Sooo in summary, no atmosphere, static dead world, no immersion, really bad story, even worse writing, weird homebrew mechanics, bad character pathing....50 more

So your feedback is to start over and change the whole story?

I don't think that's actionable.

What you can't escape is a static map with a bunch of things ploped on to interact with. You can ignore all the companions and the story to an extent.

My suggestion is make the world lived in and dynamic. It is amazing what a few small things like night/day and weather can add to a game. Imagine being given 2 days to decide to support or attack the druid camp otherwise they fight alone? Imagine just standing by and doing nothing because niether goody/baddy bullshit interst you? Imagine adding a very small item that allows a vampire to walk in the day? Or a special hood for the Drow instead of "the tadpole did it"? Imagine making the decisions you make in act 1 mean something IN ACT 1 instead of dead end after dead end? You do not progress in act one or learn anything or merit. Imagine convincing the Tieflings to preemptively attack the goblins?

Either or story arcs are not arcs if they are linear. You don't need 50,000 lines of dialogue to explain "you are stuck with the tadpole until....

However Larian have added absolutely nothing of substance since day 1 so DOS3 is what we are getting.

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Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by Soul-Scar
Sooo in summary, no atmosphere, static dead world, no immersion, really bad story, even worse writing, weird homebrew mechanics, bad character pathing....50 more

So your feedback is to start over and change the whole story game?

If it wouldn't be too much trouble, sure. People more invested in this experiment than myself deserve better.

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Originally Posted by Soul-Scar
Every CRPG ever based on D&D in the history of gaming including loosely based games like Drakkhen made in 1990-1 had day and night cycles, random encounters and everything else required to make the world feel lived in. The only exception being BG 3. Swen basically said "we cant be arsed it adds nothing to the game for the work required" NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!. Right before bragging about the 50,000 voiced coversations and pile of nonsense DOS origin crap.

If Larian put 50 interesting dungeons to explore with books, lore, monsters and loot we would be less inclined to care about the personal and extremely convoluted backstories created by someone else. People play D&D to create a role not to play one written by a blue haired social studies intern. JJ Abrhams isn't someone successful though talent. I would be happy with a BG 2 rehash at this point.

In its current iteration BG 3 will not be remembered in 20 years as a D&D classic, it will be forgotten....realms bum bum tash. The relationship drivel is cringey af imo and takes away from the atmosphere as it is so inorganic and ridiculous it leave you scratching your head. The characters are well voice acted but in all honestly I don't want a hear another whiney victim narrative. How about greed or power as a motive instead of McGuffin driven narratives? Mystery boxes and super tadpoles....I just don't care. The reason I don't care is the whole of act one is jumping though hoops to jump though hoops to eventually look forward to jump though hoops in act 2.

1) we need to find a healer, super important, super important we find a healer, find a healer, did I say we need to find a healer?
2) We find a healer but I cannot help please "jump though hoops for me"
3) We find another healer, goblin this time "What tadpole you are a mindflayer" Ugh!!
4) Find another healer in the swamp "cannot help you because super McGuffin tadpole blar blar netherese blar blar eyeball"
5) Find super healer!!! Sorry I cannot help you but if you jump though some more hoops I am sure the McGuffinpole blar blar blar.
6) Magic gith Mcguffin box protects group from AbSoLuTe....okay that's nice, now it makes sense?
7) Devil comes, I can cure you just like that!!! Ok cure me then, narrr i am not the mcguffin but blar blar blar.....Gretta Thumburg blar blar blar

Basically the story is driven by a "thing" that is the reason for everything that requires explanation. Vampire in sunlight? Tadpole, Drow in sunlight? tadpole. Why are we different than other "tRuE sOuLs"? Enter mcguffin box. Really bad writing, not an opinion.

Sooo in summary, no atmosphere, static dead world, no immersion, really bad story, even worse writing, weird homebrew mechanics, bad character pathing....50 more

It does have fun gameplay, good graphics and great vocie acting though. The only reason for the good part isn't ironically the parts that resemble D&D right? Like the spells, weapons and lore? Narrr that would be insane.

That is the harsh truth.

Larian has very interesting ideas, but it gets lost as they develop. Tadpole infection turns into supertadpole Absolute cliche. Vampire with dark background turns into Vampire jester. Wizard prodigy with personal tragedy has the dumbest dialogues and unrealistic positivity. Shar cleric turns into a feminine Joffrey Baratheon.

Other thing severely lacking is the worlbuilding. Like in the originals where the plot would intertwine with political intricacies of the Sword Coast. In BG3 everything exists for the main plot.

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Yeah, the whole story at the moment feels like an eclectic collection of independent ideas which are forced in a narrative whole , more often than not resulting in either plot holes and unexplained inconsistencies and contradictions , which at best are amateurishly 'patched' with unexplained rule exceptions and deus ex machinae tricks. The requirements in terms of suspension of disbelieve are large for BG3. Not to say that it's a bad game, but it is definitely bad in offering a computer generated forgotten realms for players to explore. At the moment it's more of a fancy-pancy high end table-top simulator. So instead of having the feeling of going to the forgotten realms when you open the game, you have the feeling you arrive at a tabletop session where the GM prepared a ridiculously complex adventure/quest map on his game table. 'De gustibus non est disputandum' , so both have a right to exist , I just regret Larian not trying to find a middle ground in this and put more effort into making the game universe a believable representation of the realms instead of this weird spatially connected collection of separate 'quest' hubs.

Last edited by SerraSerra; 16/11/21 10:56 AM.
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Originally Posted by SerraSerra
I just regret Larian not trying to find a middle ground in this and put more effort into making the game universe a believable representation of the realms instead of this weird spatially connected collection of separate 'quest' hubs.
I think they do try to find middle ground - but the foundation of the game and development process are designed for a D:OS style game, not narratively driven RPG. I don’t know how Larian’s development process differs from BioWares or Obsidian’s but I suspect it does differ quite a bit.

Originally Posted by JandK
So your feedback is to start over and change the whole story?

I don't think that's actionable.
Honestly, it’s not unheard of - many projects get scrapped and remade, or take a drastic change in direction. It would be unheard of, however, for a game to undertake such a drastic measures after being somewhat released - especially as there seem to be a sizeable player base who is satisfied with the direction the product is taking. I don’t expect Larian to do that - for one they would need to agree that the current direction is fundamentally flawed and unfun.

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Originally Posted by Wormerine
It would be unheard of, however, for a game to undertake such a drastic measures after being somewhat released - especially as there seem to be a sizeable player base who is satisfied with the direction the product is taking.
Exactly! I am happy with the direction the game is taking.😊

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Originally Posted by Wormerine
there seems to be a sizeable player base who is satisfied with the direction the product is taking.

People who have little idea what makes Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate or who don't care as long as the coat of paint says Baldur's Gate (and sometimes even that is unnecessary). Business as usual when it comes to long-awaited sequels of cherished franchises, then.

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Originally Posted by Ragitsu
Originally Posted by Wormerine
there seems to be a sizeable player base who is satisfied with the direction the product is taking.

People who have little idea what makes Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate or who don't care as long as the coat of paint says Baldur's Gate (and sometimes even that is unnecessary). Business as usual when it comes to long-awaited sequels of cherished franchises, then.

Honestly if this game was called "random homebrew D&D game" I wouldn't have a problem, it isn't.

Just imagine someone taking a beloved franchise like Starwars, killing all the main characters everyone loved, adding a bunch of modern day identity politics with a plot so stupid you lose 40 IQ point watching it. Then replace all main characters with Jar Jar Binks activists and Mary Sues.....Just imagine how popular a movie like that would have been right? Phew! glad that never happened. Who would want to live in that world?

Lord of the rings was good because it stuck to the source material, the hobbit was bad because it added so much extra cheese filling it could sold as a pasty.

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As a new player to both BG3 and D&D honestly I am having lots of fun. Each little area feels like a mini-campaign within a larger campaign.
The only problem I have is the day and night cycle and the urgency of the tadpoles feels off.

Sure there are little kinks to work out but overall it feels good to me.
Its dark but still fun, so all around 10/10 points for me.

Originally Posted by Soul-Scar
However Larian have added absolutely nothing of substance since day 1 so DOS3 is what we are getting.

I played DOS2 and I have like 50 hours in it.
I have played BG3 for over a hundred hours now and the only thing that stops me is to not spoil the game further for myself until it fully releases.

Honestly this game does not at all feel like DOS3 to me.

Last edited by Eddiar; 16/11/21 05:53 PM.
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I am a new player to the Baldurs Gate series, this is my first time playing any of the games, and I'm not familiar with the setting of Faerun or the Sword Coast. Something that was sead in passing above made me think of something; this game doesn't really give me a sense of the setting. Maybe it's because of how much faerun has influenced other fantasy stuff, but playing through the game, I haven't really gotten a sense of place from act one, no sense of why the area I'm in is unique in anyway. It feels like this could just be any random wood area. In contrast, when I played Solasta I got a sense for the vibe of the setting really quickly. Same with both Pathfinder games and the Pillars of Eternity games. Same with the Dragon Age games, I could go on. It doesn't really feel like I'm in a particular place, just that this is where the adventure is. I'm not someone hung up on having a day/night cycle, I don't think I need that for immersion, but the area we're in doesn't feel like part of a larger whole really. It feels like a generic "area of adventure" when someplace like the Stolen Lands from Pathfinder: Kingmaker really felt like it was a unique place with history and connections to the world beyond its borders. But with BG3 it feels like once we've left this place, it might as well stop existing. The druids will be there doing whatever it is druids do, the tieflings will be leaving about when we are, the destroyed village will still be destroyed, the cultists will still be there being culty, it won't really matter to anything.

I think another part of the problem is that we're kind of encouraged not to get invested in the area. We start off having a really urgent personal problem to focus on, which encourages us tokind of put blinders on to the rest of the area. It's abundantly clear that we're only passing through and there's no opportunity to set down roots. At best we just meet people who we expect to see when we get to Baldurs Gate. Even the characters we're most likely to have an emotional connection with, the tieflings, are going to Baldurs Gate as well. Add to that the fact that our character doesn't really have a set background or even a background we can really define in-game, so we have no personal anchor. Contrast this to the Dragon Age games, where in each game you have a clear history and tie to the place. Even in both Pathfinder games, you're a blank slate character but you're given clear, immediate ties and bonds in the area you end up in, so you can build your investment out from there, because you can give your character their own reasons to care about this place, because you know they're there for a reason.

This game does do some really good things in regard to investment though. The party after I helped the tieflings, I was honestly floored by that. It was incredibly gratifying and it really made me feel like a grounded part of the world and not some cypher just going around and doing things.

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Originally Posted by Eddiar
As a new player to both BG3 and D&D honestly I am having lots of fun. Each little area feels like a mini-campaign within a larger campaign.
The only problem I have is the day and night cycle and the urgency of the tadpoles feels off.

Sure there are little kinks to work out but overall it feels good to me.
Its dark but still fun, so all around 10/10 points for me.

Originally Posted by Soul-Scar
However Larian have added absolutely nothing of substance since day 1 so DOS3 is what we are getting.

I played DOS2 and I have like 50 hours in it.
I have played BG3 for over a hundred hours now and the only thing that stops me is to not spoil the game further for myself until it fully releases.

Honestly this game does not at all feel like DOS3 to me.

The world of BG3 feels very DOS because it quite frankly is, static and inorganic. The combat and lore are very different becasue they D&D'd that bitch ergo good. The combat and spells etc. are D&D with certain caveats but a pretty accurate conversion if I am being honest.

The world is as much a part of the gameplay as the combat mechanics. They go together like crackers and cheese. DOS world with D&D combat is more like Whiskey and orange Juice, yeah it gets the job done and gives you a buzz but it tastes bloody awful.

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Originally Posted by Soul-Scar
The world of BG3 feels very DOS because it quite frankly is, static and inorganic. The combat and lore are very different becasue they D&D'd that bitch ergo good. The combat and spells etc. are D&D with certain caveats but a pretty accurate conversion if I am being honest.

The world is as much a part of the gameplay as the combat mechanics. They go together like crackers and cheese. DOS world with D&D combat is more like Whiskey and orange Juice, yeah it gets the job done and gives you a buzz but it tastes bloody awful.

To be honest, I was shocked to learn of the lack of day/night cycle; this "innovation" was present as far back as Baldur's Gate (with its comparatively "primitive" graphics) for crying out loud.

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Pretty sure it was mentioned before but Larian has fans that are coming from there previous games. A lot of elements do come from DOS 1 & 2, talking funny animals is one of them for sure.

I'd rather see more of a lore based or d&d based version but I doubt that'll happen since a lot of voicelines were already made. yep

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^ That only reinforces the notion that this game is "Divinity meets Dragon Age with a splash of D&D/FR paint.".

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Originally Posted by 1varangian
If movies and games could be everything, genres wouldn't exist. I'm getting an increasing feeling that BG3 doesn't know what it wants to be and who it's made for.

You're right, nobody really knows how modern CRPG should look like. Thats why Ive said they should take ideas from Xcom2. Xcom2 looked and felt commercial or triple a stuff whatever you want to call it. Mutant Year Zero was made by experienced developers too, even small budget. It comes down to whether Larian wanna walk own path or merge with game industry. I would go for latter myself.

Btw, Larian likes to walk own path, maybe they should join CDPR? Undoubtedly new publishers on the rise. I can see CDPR becoming big in 10+ year. Witcher 4 is already big success, next Cyberpunk, maybe couple new gaming studios. Keep improving GoG.

Last edited by GreatWarrioX; 05/02/22 02:21 AM.
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90% of the player base here doesn't even to give a shit about BG1 and 2; Like this is the third game of the series but we get close to NO DISCUSSIONS on the previous games...Like gameplay stuff that worked and were fun...people talk about/compare to The Witcher...Dragon age...Skyrim...Solasta D&D lol.
They are aware of the legacy and hipe + HEY its a Larian comedy game = yey!
So who cares who Larian calls it for these people.

For those of us who played these Black Isle games when we were in our teens, early really feels like a marketing rip off...calling it Baldurs gate 3. Seing the direction the game is going, wish I had not spent the money on EA. I already had my doubts when watched that first demo...and hoped things would turn out more like a Baldurs gate game...

But hey its a great Larian <half baked> D&D game! For sure. And a great tale tale cinematic experience for kids.

Last edited by mr_planescapist; 08/02/22 01:53 PM.
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Originally Posted by mr_planescapist
90% of the player base here doesn't even to give a shit about BG1 and 2; Like this is the third game of the series but we get close to NO DISCUSSIONS on the previous games...Like gameplay stuff that worked and were fun...people talk about/compare to The Witcher...Dragon age...Skyrim...Solasta D&D lol.
They are aware of the legacy and hipe + HEY its a Larian comedy game = yey!
So who cares who Larian calls it for these people.

For those of us who played these Black Isle games when we were in our teens, early really feels like a marketing rip off...calling it Baldurs gate 3. Seing the direction the game is going, wish I had not spent the money on EA. I already had my doubts when watched that first demo...and hoped things would turn out more like a Baldurs gate game...

But hey its a great Larian <half baked> D&D game! For sure. And a great tale tale cinematic experience for kids.

My hope is that all this is just because it's EA. I'm still holding out hope that in the end, they DO give us the experience we're hoping for.

I might be disappointed, but what's the flip side? I'm disappointed even if I don't hope for it.

Again, I do love this game. I wouldn't still be out here if I didn't. That said, it could be SO much better IF they took our feedback more to heart.

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Originally Posted by IrenicusBG3
Originally Posted by Soul-Scar
Every CRPG ever based on D&D in the history of gaming including loosely based games like Drakkhen made in 1990-1 had day and night cycles, random encounters and everything else required to make the world feel lived in. The only exception being BG 3. Swen basically said "we cant be arsed it adds nothing to the game for the work required" NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!. Right before bragging about the 50,000 voiced coversations and pile of nonsense DOS origin crap.

If Larian put 50 interesting dungeons to explore with books, lore, monsters and loot we would be less inclined to care about the personal and extremely convoluted backstories created by someone else. People play D&D to create a role not to play one written by a blue haired social studies intern. JJ Abrhams isn't someone successful though talent. I would be happy with a BG 2 rehash at this point.

In its current iteration BG 3 will not be remembered in 20 years as a D&D classic, it will be forgotten....realms bum bum tash. The relationship drivel is cringey af imo and takes away from the atmosphere as it is so inorganic and ridiculous it leave you scratching your head. The characters are well voice acted but in all honestly I don't want a hear another whiney victim narrative. How about greed or power as a motive instead of McGuffin driven narratives? Mystery boxes and super tadpoles....I just don't care. The reason I don't care is the whole of act one is jumping though hoops to jump though hoops to eventually look forward to jump though hoops in act 2.

1) we need to find a healer, super important, super important we find a healer, find a healer, did I say we need to find a healer?
2) We find a healer but I cannot help please "jump though hoops for me"
3) We find another healer, goblin this time "What tadpole you are a mindflayer" Ugh!!
4) Find another healer in the swamp "cannot help you because super McGuffin tadpole blar blar netherese blar blar eyeball"
5) Find super healer!!! Sorry I cannot help you but if you jump though some more hoops I am sure the McGuffinpole blar blar blar.
6) Magic gith Mcguffin box protects group from AbSoLuTe....okay that's nice, now it makes sense?
7) Devil comes, I can cure you just like that!!! Ok cure me then, narrr i am not the mcguffin but blar blar blar.....Gretta Thumburg blar blar blar

Basically the story is driven by a "thing" that is the reason for everything that requires explanation. Vampire in sunlight? Tadpole, Drow in sunlight? tadpole. Why are we different than other "tRuE sOuLs"? Enter mcguffin box. Really bad writing, not an opinion.

Sooo in summary, no atmosphere, static dead world, no immersion, really bad story, even worse writing, weird homebrew mechanics, bad character pathing....50 more

It does have fun gameplay, good graphics and great vocie acting though. The only reason for the good part isn't ironically the parts that resemble D&D right? Like the spells, weapons and lore? Narrr that would be insane.

That is the harsh truth.

Larian has very interesting ideas, but it gets lost as they develop. Tadpole infection turns into supertadpole Absolute cliche. Vampire with dark background turns into Vampire jester. Wizard prodigy with personal tragedy has the dumbest dialogues and unrealistic positivity. Shar cleric turns into a feminine Joffrey Baratheon.

Other thing severely lacking is the worlbuilding. Like in the originals where the plot would intertwine with political intricacies of the Sword Coast. In BG3 everything exists for the main plot.

I love this. Even though the pc in bg series had a big plot overall id say the games were primarily about d&d and the sword coast and secondarily about the player. Bg3 (so far) is a game about a tadpole and secondarily about the player

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