Here we go again. Let me first say that this is not a post about long rest mechanics even though that will play A Part. It is also not a post about timed quests, though I'm sure that we will touch on that also.

This is a post about timed events. To be clear, what I mean is that after a certain number of long rests, things happen.

Before you opposed this, consider that the game already has what I'm talking about, I just want there to be more of it where it makes sense.

An example of what I'm talking about that is already in the game is after you rescue The Grove, the tieflings leave and you can no longer buy and sell things or talk to them. Nobody seems to have a problem with this event because it makes sense. You saved the Grove, and they leave. Time has therefore transpired.

The changing of time via timed events makes it so that the choices you make have an impact in the world of the game. That is all I am asking for. Your decision too long rest should impact the game in some way. Again, let me reiterate that I am not saying that after x number of days quest should be locked out. All I'm saying is that there should be some semblance or passage of time based on the number of long rests that you use.

A perfect example of what I am saying could be done very simply. You complete the quest to rescue people at the inn. After a short or long rest, the inn is no longer burning.

Another example, you slaughter the goblins at the Grove gate. You long rest. The bodies are gone. If you didn't take items from the bodies, the local merchants now has them in their inventory.

After three or four long rests after you first visit the Grove, something happens to disrupt The druids ritual again. After three or four days, you encounter a goblin Patrol searching for The Grove entrance or the weapon. After you meet the gith Patrol, a few days later, you spot another Patrol along the road or in the village. You can either avoid them or attack them.

It's the little things that give you the feeling that the world is alive. Even something as small has having animals milling about different areas at different times that scamper off when you come upon them oh, it makes a world of difference.

And for the love of God, can we at least have different conversations occurring in the background at different times or just more obscure conversation background noise that loops. It has been one year since I started playing this game, and I'm still hearing Rolan arguing about how he cares about their lives and their futures. It never changes, day after day. I'm stuck in an endless loop of timelessness.