I like the idea but it's too late for big changes in my opinion.

- A few new encounters without dialogs : ok
(Looters in the goblins camp, wolves in the forest,...)

- The ever burning inn that stop burning : ok

- The 2 zentharims dead next to the gnolls : ok

- A few new dialogs/encounters/"side quests" during long rests : ok
(Ambush, thieves, someone asking for help,...)

- New story arc : not sure it's reasonable to ask.
(Disrupt the ritual grove, new gith patrol, goblins attacking the grove, and other things that would require a lot of new dialogs, cinematics, or that would have story consequences).

I really agree that the world is way too frozen and I'm all for suggestions to make it more alive. But at this point I'm not sure it's still reasonable to suggest anything else than "simple" things.

Still thinking that what's missing the most in this world is a constant notion of time passing. D/N cycle, in other words. Of course both suggestions would be the best.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 17/11/21 02:42 PM.

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