It is finished at last. Book 1 is done. I am happy with it.
If I write Book 2 (we'll see), I hope it will be just as good or better.
Anyway, hope you all enjoy it.
Note: I may or may not make changes to it based on changes to the game as they continue developing it. I may just leave it as is, a testament to the BG3 game from Patch 6 and all previous patches.
We'll see. I guess it depends on just how drastic the changes are and whether I like them or not.
*throws confetti*
Well done! You should really be proud of your work! c: It was an amazing read! I really love your take on the Absolute in general.
Even if you choose to make another edition (aka, change it a lot as BG3 changes), please keep them separate <3 Like edition 1, 2, 3 etc.
Oh! And if you ever decide to do more, please send Google a letter about a dark background. WHITE DOCUMENTS BELONG TO THE PAAAAAAAST q _ q My poor eyes can't cope!
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian