I agree in theory, but in practice no-one calls Wyll the Blade of Frontiers except Wyll himself. No one inside the grove actually acknowledges that Wyll is famous. Khaga doesn’t ask Wyll to escort the tieflings out, she asks the randos that just showed up at the last second.

If some dude showed up where I lived, called himself the Blade of Delusion and asked me where the children are, I’d show him the business end of my 36 caliber wand of murder.

Back on topic, I agree that doing the temple first, which usually implies a long rest if not two, fixes this problem. Seeing as it’s the first objective marker the game can give, heading to the temple is probably the intended path. But it kinda stinks that the timeline really only works if the player follows the designers’ intended path.

Last edited by Flooter; 18/11/21 09:17 PM.

Larian, please make accessibility a priority for upcoming patches.