Originally Posted by Soul-Scar
I agree the story isn't complete and as such maybe fragmented in a way that makes it unbelievable. If for example there is a prologue explaining why these 6 very specific esoteric people were "chosen" etc. and this is why they were on the ship, then sure it would make more sense. However their individual predicaments like Gale the godlaying magic bomb etc. etc. Is still a difficult swallow. It is the problem created when you feel the need to create 5-6 origin stories and hamstring them into an already complex plot. You as the player are not eased into the plot, you basically have it rammed down your thoat all at once.

Example, you are on the nautiloid and kill your way to the helm, kill all the stuff and hit the warp button. Why did the nautiloid warp to a palce you just so happened to need to be? Was it random? Did the mindflayer give the co-ords? Was it on purpose? If so why not take you to moonrise towers or something? DON'T KNOW!! If it is random then that is a mighty coincidence that you dropped out where a bunch of others with magic tadpoles were. Just outside a grove where a druid just found someone with your exact condition and has a history that suits the main plot....The nautiloid can travel between realities, even the hells yet you were plopped out right where you needed to be. Seriously? So it is only my opinion that this is bad writing? This is 5 minutes into the game.

At no point did I say or even suggest nobody else should like it.

I don't personally have an issue with the situation of the companions, but I do agree that they're all rather...much. however I don't really agree about the situation of the coincidence at the start of the game. I view that as just the coincidence needed for the story to happen. Sometimes in a story, things just happen because the writer needs them to. When this is leaned on too much, it ruins stakes and becomes a bad story, but honestly, I think this is a fine way to start this sort of story. It happens this way because it's interesting and moves the plot forward. I think the fact that it's the beginning of the story actually makes it more forgivable, because it's the rush of beginning, when everything is being laid out. It's setting the stage, putting the pieces in order. I don't think that this is the sort of thing that requires a clear rationale.