To summarize the broad sweep of this entire thread, several at the start voiced their desire for a movement mechanic/interface that looked and felt more like BG1/2 e.g. the RTS style command and control scheme, where the player controls all their characters at once, drag marquee to select either on screen or with portraits, ctrl A to "control all" etc. The standard conventions that have been in use in RTS games since the Mid 90s more or less.

Another point of view has that the BG3 movement interface is not enough like the FPS or driving command and control conventions of say a KOTOR (or similar games). Again conventions established in the Mid 90s, when the thumbsticks first began appearing on console controllers and 3d platformers and shooters were common. Also where the chain follower/AI henchmen dynamic first became really common in RPGs.

Most of the frustration I hear in this thread seems to stem from BG3 eschewing conventional controls in favor of something more esoteric and homegrown. Usually when this is done in a game to great effect, there is a clear design oriented or gameplay purpose which the developer is trying to achieve, stimulating some other area of our control minded brain I guess, as like an end goal in itself. I don't know that many people who have been griping in this thread feel that that's what's going on with BG3 though, or that if it is, that it's really worth it lol.

The question is fair, but the ready answer is I don't know and have no clue. I don't know how anyone finds this method of controlling the party ideal. If you're really digging it, I think you might be the first person here to say so. Somehow I doubt that people who find BG3s controls way frustrating would be out streaming about it or making constant commentary on their youtube channels or whatever at this point, but I don't know there either. I stopped watching most BG3 vids a while back.

Also, I was thinking just now, how perhaps Larian wants some kind of omnipresent danger or mishaps cooked in, so that like Lae'zel might burst into flames at the exact wrong moment, in much the same way that maybe a Kivan gets chunked in BG1, or Viconia paths off into a pitrap in BG2. Like 'oh damn, that was crazy! Maybe I'll reload or maybe not, because it was just like such a sight to see.' But I don't know, even if all the mishaps can be downed to user error in BG3, it's just not as endearing in that way. It feels like a strange hybrid of two different modes of control, each of which I enjoy on their own merits, just not in this particular marriage arrangement. I'd love a camera unlock. They probably are wary of fully unlocking the cam because of glitch out exploits or whatever, but I don't care. This is EA, just patch in the Z axis and separate the zoom and let people go wild with that for a few months. Least it would be something.

Last edited by Black_Elk; 19/11/21 12:25 AM.