Originally Posted by GM4Him
I just want the game to make sense. Like someone else said, if I'm jogging along a road and I see a burning building, if I don't stop right then and there to help the people involved with their burning building, then the burning building should be burnt down later. I shouldn't be able to jog past a burning building, go fight some bad guys, then go to camp and rest for almost 24 hours, and finally return the next day to help those people with their burning building. That just doesn't make sense.

Likewise, if I fight the red caps and the hag has taken Mayrina into her sanctum, something should happen that is different if I decide to take almost 24 hours to get some rest and return. It makes no sense that the hag just lets you go off and rest and then still acts like it is the same day.

Again, I'd rather have some other way to fully recover all HP and spell slots like those mind flayer restoration stations then to have long rest without the world changing as a result.

See, here is my problem. From the moment you crashed on the beach, to when you arrive at The Grove, it really feels like that should be all one day. It feels like chapter one concludes with you talking to Nettie. Think about it. You crash on the beach, you meet a SH, you meet Astarion and Gale and Lae'zel all as if they just escaped their pods. If you long rest at all before meeting any of these, it feels weird. What have they been doing since they crashed? Astarion is even still right outside his smoldering pod. The ship is still burning. The ship never stops burning. It just feels weird.

That's what breaking the immersion for me. I'm telling you, just give me some sort of full restore potions. At least that wouldn't break the immersion. The problem I have with it is that I know but if I long rest an entire day goes by. But the world doesn't act like an entire day goes by. I wake up on the beach, I fight three bad guys, I take the rest of the day off. I wake up the next day, and the ship is still burning, and there is a guy still standing outside his pod. It's as if he just crashed there. I do a little bit of other stuff, maybe 30 minutes worth, fight some more bad guys, take the rest of the day off. I wake up oh, the ship is still burning, I meet Lae'zel and she stuck in a cage. What is she been doing for 2 days?

It's these little things that just through the whole thing off. I get why people are afraid blocking things out and causing all sorts of technical issues, but this kind of stuff is very sloppy to me.

There's a line from the comedy Thumb Wars that fits what I'm talking about here. The princess escapes from her cell on the Death Star and she says, "I escaped somehow."no explanation given. She just escaped. That's how I feel about a lot of situations in this game. I'm just supposed to pretend it makes sense.

I agree