Originally Posted by Soul-Scar
I just purchased PF- WotR and the game is a delight. 20 hours in with a random witch class that I hate but cannot be arsed respec. I mean animal companions as war MOUNTS!!! The possibility to fight a demon army with your own undead lich army? Your own personal hardcore undead bodyguard with 4 comabt classes to choose from that levels like a companion..... The possibilty to level to 40 as 2 x level 20's...

BG 3 is a good game in the making but cannot hold a candle to pathfinder WotC. It's a bit like comparing a wet beer fart to a category 5 hurricane.
Glad you're loving that game. Very easily my #1 cRPG of all time right now.

And your analogy made me LOL smile