I think people are being a bit too harsh about the tadpole plot. In my opinion it's a perfectly neutral plot device to start a story with. A thing that should be acting one way is acting in a different way for some unknown reason. That's a classic impetus for a story. Is it complex? No, and I actually don't think it should be. It's simple and complexity can be added as the story goes on and we understand more of what's going on. Do I think the plot point is executed well? I don't, but I think it would only require some minore changes to produce a version I AM perfectl happy with. And the tadpoles also are different from the Source Collars of D:OS2. Sure the first act revolves around removing both, but here, it's the source of your power and putting you in active danger, while in D:OS2 the collar is containing your power and is given to you because you're on a prison island so of course you're going to get something to reduce your powers.

As for where the plot goes, I do think it'll involve godlike power, etc. I'm not against it, it'll come down execution.