Originally Posted by gabrielled
One thing I found weird with Astarion is he literally YELLS at you for running around while he was in the pod. I definitely didn't see occupied pods except for Shadowheart and the woman who turned into a mindflayer... and he must've been conscious in the pod, since he saw you. Where exactly was his pod? It's a super minor detail so I don't really care too much about it, but each room is somewhat cut off from another with the tunnel entrances. How did he see us running about long enough to assume that the PC is in league with the illithids (or maybe he jumped to conclusions, his WIS isn't that great).

In the room with the woman who turned into a Mind Flayer... her pod was in the middle of the room. But look ahead, past the platform where the body of the dead cultist is. You can't walk over to them, but there are numerous pods you can see.